
Update From Pollitecon Publications


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Below are some of the numerous additions to the Pollitecon website over the past few months.

Pollitecon's First iBook
Pollitecon has published its first iBook. I chose The Rising Sun in the Balkans: The Republic of Macedonia because even after all these years it is still one of the best summaries of the name issue for general readers. This book presents the arguments of both countries and an objective, third party analysis. Apple also has a sample section of the book for free. See here.

The Life in Aegean Macedonia section has two new articles

The First Doctoral Dissertation on the Macedonian Language
An exhibition on the life work of Leonhard Masing - author of the first doctoral dissertation on the Macedonian language, was held in Tartu, Estonia to mark the 125th anniversary of the dissertation. Over 100 items on display included Masing's handwritten pages from draft manuscripts, photographs and other previously unseen material on the ethnography, geography and history of Macedonia. Leonhard Masing worked as a professor of Slavic languages and literature at Tartu University for more than 40 years. The exhibition was initiated by George v. Durtanosky, journalist, author and lecturer at the Latvian Christian Academy and the event was organized in collaboration with the State Archive of Estonia, the Tartu University College and University Library Department for Rare Books and Manuscripts. See here.

Macedonian Migrants to North America
265 Macedonians Who Migrated to North America is a list of Macedonian migrants to the US and Canada drawn from the 1951 "Macedonian Directory" published by the Central Committee of MPO of the US and Canada. The list is not complete. The villages are where the Macedonians came from, and the US and Canadian locations are where they settled. The number of Macedonian villages is just over 70. The list was drawn by Basil Stephanoff. See here.

A new article has been added to the Essays page.

ANZAC Day and Ilinden
How ANZAC Day Unites Australia and Macedonia by Victor Bivell is an article written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of ANZAC Day. It looks at some of the surprising and deep links between ANZAC Day and Ilinden and how the two days help to bring Australians and Macedonians together through their shared history. The article is here. There is also a Macedonian version here.

The Macedonian Communities page on Greece has a new link.

Video on Selo Buf
Selo Buf, Lerinsko, Egejska Makedonija is a five minute video with many photos of the village from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The pictures include churches, the school and school classes, groups of villagers, families, weddings, priests, migrants, and other local people. There are hundreds of people and names. See here.

The Free Ebooks section has many new books.

Macedonian Speakers in Wollongong
Australian Macedonian lawyer and book translator Elizabeth Stewart has made available an ebook version of her Masters thesis. This is titled Lexical Transference in the Speech of Macedonian English Bilingual Speakers in the Illawarra Region of NSW. The paper takes a detailed look at the speech of the Macedonian community in Wollongong and how the English and Macedonian languages have influenced each other. The paper is here.

Dictionary in Three Languages
Rechnik od Tri Jezika by Georgi Pulevski was published in 1875 during the Ottoman Empire, and is a seminal book about the Macedonian language. The three languages are Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish. The book is here.

Books by Slave Nikolovski-Katin
18 books by Macedonian author Slave Nikolovski-Katin have been added to the Free Ebooks page. Six are Dictionaries in Pictures for learning: English and French (with Macedonian), English and German (with Macedonian), English and Macedonian (with Albanian), English and Macedonian (with Roma language), English and Macedonian (with Turkish) and English and Macedonian (with Vlach). There is an English-Macedonian Biotechnical Dictionary and an English-Macedonian Veterinary Dictionary. Other books in English are Macedonia in Ancient Times, The Macedonians in USA and Canada, and Andrea Branov - Monograph. Books in Macedonian are: Ilinden 1903-2003 i Makedonskite Iselenitsi, Iselenichki Horizonti na Makedonsite vo Svetot, Makedonski Iselenichki Panoptikum, Makedonksiot Iselenichki Pechat, Moite Patuvanja Niz Svetot, Pechalbarski Kopnezh, and Vo Avstralija Kako Doma. The books are here.

My Partisan Life
Kosta Alabakov has published My Partisan Life in English and Sekjavanje za Seloto Buf i Negovite Stradanija in Macedonian. Mr Alabakov was born in Buf in 1927 and wrote the book to record the difficult times that he and many of his fellow Macedonians endured as partisans during the Second World War and the Greek Civil War. He became a soldier in 1943 at the age of 16, first with the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS) and later with the Democratic Army of Greece (DAG). In 1948 he took his family to the Republic of Macedonia and in 1967 he and his wife Anastasia, who is also from Buf, joined their extended family in Australia. My Partisan Life is here. Sekjavanje za Seloto Buf i Negovite Stradanija is here.

Some Macedonian Genius
The 1972 book The Macedonian Genius Through the Centuries by Italian author Giorgio Nurigiani talks about some outstanding Macedonians in past and recent history. There are chapters on Saints Cyril and Methodius, Saint Clement, the Bogomils, Medieval Art, Macedonian Folk Art, the Brothers Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinov, Grigor Prlichev, and Krste Misirkov. The ebook is here.

The Proto Slavic Roots of the European Languages
In his paper Proto Slavic Roots of the European Languages, Odyssey Belchevsky says that most of the word etymologies that the Online Etymology Dictionary has labeled as ‘unknown' and ‘obscure' or possibly Proto Roman, Proto German, Proto Celtic, can be explained with the use of the Slavic languages. There are many examples. He argues that through the use of Conceptual Linguistics we can conclude that the Slavic languages have been ‘most faithful' to the ‘Mother Language of Europe'. They have retained the natural concepts of word creation and can be with great certainty termed as the most ‘functional' languages of Europe. The paper is here.

Women Prisoners in the Greek Concentration Camps
Petre Nakovski's novel Kalina explores the experiences of a 17 year old village girl who, along with hundreds of other Macedonian and Greek young women, was forcibly mobilized into the Democratic Army of Greece (DAG), fought in the Greek Civil War and eventually faced a long prison sentence. Kalina tells her story as she sees it - the bunkers and trenches, battle charges in the night, long and exhausting marches, the Greek island prison camps in the Aegean Sea, the 70 days and nights she spent in the battlefields of Gramos, suicide missions in Voden, Lerin and Negush, the struggles at Vicho, and the final disastrous military defeat. Kalina was translated by Risto Stefov. The English version is here. The Macedonian version is here.

Paskal Mitrevski and his Time
Paskal Mitrevski and his Time (1912-1978) by Tashko Mamurovski is the biography of Paskal Mitrevski, a freedom fighter who held various senior roles in the Greek Civil War including President of the Main Board of NOF and Minister of Supplies in the Provisional Democratic Government of Greece. The biography focuses on 1941 to 1949 and what went wrong for the Macedonians. It includes some of his letters, articles and reports. The book is translated and edited by Risto Stefov. The English version is here. The Macedonian version is here.

Refugee Children in Yugoslavia
Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia in Yugoslavia is a 208 page book that takes a detailed look at the refugee children from Aegean Macedonia who grew up in Yugoslavia. The authors are Misho Kitanoski & Giorgi Donevski. Kitanoski is a journalist and author and Donevski was president of the Association of Refugee Children in Macedonia. The book is translated and edited by Risto Stefov. The English version is here. The Macedonian version, Detsa Begaltsi od Egejska Makedonija vo Jugoslavija, is here.

Short Stories from Stari Kraj
Tragedy and Wrath (In the shadows of exile) by Stojan Kochov is a collection of 29 short stories and one poem about people in Aegean Macedonia and life under Greek occupation. The stories are personal and insightful. Stojan Kochov was born in 1930 and has authored 22 books. The book is translated from the Macedonian and edited by Risto Stefov. The English version is here. The Macedonian version is here.

There are also Four Articles by Stojan Kochov. Under the collective title of Diskusii za Asimilatsija na Makedonsite vo Grtsija or Discussions on the Assimilation of the Macedonians Under Greece are four magazine articles by author Stojan Kochov. These discuss acts of non-recognition, discrimination and assimilation; the Hellenization of the Macedonians and the ethnic cleansing; how and why the Macedonians were expelled with a one-way ticket; and how the horror they experienced cannot be denied. The articles are in Macedonian. See here.

The Story in the Genes
The paper HLA Genes in Macedonians and the Sub-Saharan Origin of the Greeks by A. Arnaiz-Villena, K. Dimitroski, A. Pacho et al compares sample genes of many ethnic groups around the Mediterranean and concludes that Macedonians belong to an older group of Mediterranean residents while Greeks are newer arrivals with greater affinity to sub-Saharan ethnic groups now residing in Ethiopia, Sudan and West Africa. The paper is here.

Books by Other Publishers

Ancient Macedonian Historians
The latest book by historian Aleksandar Donski is "Ancient Macedonian Historians and Their Lost Works". The book presents biographies of twelve ancient Macedonian historians and a partial list of their lost works. The historians include: Ptolemy, Aristobulus, Leon of Pella, Antipater, Krater, Ptolemy VIII, Philip of Amphipolis, Kriton of Pieria, Marcia of Pella, and Marcia of Philippi. The author says most of them were Macedonian patriots and wrote the history of Macedonia. Donski's book includes quotes from the authors that clearly show the ancient Macedonians were not Greeks. The book is $10 plus $3 postage in Australia. Send your cheque to Macedonian Literary Association of Australia "Grigor Prlichev", PO Box 227 Rockdale NSW 2216, or phone Dushan Ristevski on 0425 231 335 or Ivan Trposki on 02 9789 2063, or email Dushan or Ivan.

My Father - Metodija Andonov Chento
Mojot Tatko - Metodi Andonov Chento is a biography of the Macedonian leader Metodi Andonov Chento written by his son, Ilija Andonov Chento. The 454 page book details all aspects of Chento's life including his early years, civil marriage, involvement in political life, the 1938 elections, internment in Bajina Basta, the 1941 occupation, his arrest and internment in 1943, the partisan life, free territory, Aegean Macedonia, the lead up to the National Assembly and ASNOM, the 1945 elections, and his trial. Further information from Jane Cento on Facebook here.

Another Macedonian Newspaper in Albania
Funding from the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee has enabled another Macedonian newspaper in Albania to be revived. The human rights groups say the newspaper of the Macedonian Association Ilinden Tirana has resumed publication and is distributed throughout Albania. The latest issue is here.

Love Calls You By Your Name
Here is a song I dedicate to the Greek government, to the Greek people, and to anyone else who thinks Macedonia should change its name. The song is by Leonard Cohen and is called Love Calls You By Your Name. That's poetry for "love, not hate". The song is here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is here.

Discount for Complete Set of Books
A reminder that a complete set of 12 Macedonian books published by Pollitecon can be purchased at a discount of free postage in Australia and reduced airmail postage overseas. See Here.

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Victor Bivell
Pollitecon Publications
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Email vbivell @ pollitecon.com
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