
Update From Pollitecon Publications


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Below are some of the numerous additions to the Pollitecon website over the past few months.

The Life in Aegean Macedonia book has been updated with new articles.

My Life in Neret and Pemberton
My Life in Neret and Pemberton by George Germanchev is a new article in Pollitecon's online book, Life in Aegean Macedonia. Mr Germanchev was born in 1936 and the article is addressed to his grandchildren so they can know about his early life in the village of Neret and his new life in Manjimup and Pemberton in southern Western Australia, an area that has had many Macedonian migrants. Mr Germanchev's story is one of how Macedonians can overcome early difficulties to achieve success in business and family life and pass on their Macedonian story and heritage. The article is here.

Interview with Tanas Mechkarov
In 2010 I did a wide ranging interview with Macedonian-Australian businessman, Tanas Mechkarov, of Perth. The interview was about his early life in the village of Neret and during the Greek Civil War before he came to Australia at the age of 14. Later, when he retired, Tanas was for many years the Treasurer of the Macedonian Community of WA. Tanas recently passed away and I have updated the interview with some old photos and a postscript about his life. The interview is here.

Family Names of Banitsa Inhabitants
Family Names of Banitsa Inhabitants, by Ted Nitchov, is a list of the names of 70 families who at one point lived in the village of Banitsa. The list has both the original Macedonian names and the "Greek" version given to each family during the years that followed the Treaty of Bucharest. The list is here.

Macedonian Communities in Turkey
The Macedonian Communities Around the World page http://www.pollitecon.com/html/communities/index.htm has a new link under Macedonian Communities in Turkey. This is to a Telegrak.mk article about the village Mustafapasha in Cappadocia in central Turkey. The villagers moved from Kostur a hundred years ago. An 87 year old grandmother is recorded speaking Macedonian and the village invites Macedonian tourists to visit. The article is here.

Free Ebooks
There are many new books in Pollitecon's Free Ebooks Library.

The Truth About Greek Occupied Macedonia
A new addition to Pollitecon's Free Ebooks library is The Truth About Greek Occupied Macedonia by Hristo Andonovski & Risto Stefov. The book starts with many stories and examples of early Macedonian writing and culture before focusing on many lesser known aspects of the Greek takeover of Greek-occupied Macedonia and what it did to the Macedonian people. The book was first published in 1970 by Hristo Andonovski, and Risto Stefov has translated the book and added new information. The English version is here.
The Macedonian version, Vistinata za Egejska Makedonija, is here.

Greece's Compliance with the International Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The Parallel Report on Greece's Compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was prepared for the United Nations' Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and its 2016 review of Greece. Authored by Greek Helsinki Monitor/ Minority Rights Group - Greece, the report looks at race-based issues in Greece including the Golden Dawn group, how racially based court cases are handled, how international treaties and international court judgments are rarely applied or not applied at all, and the non-recognition of the Macedonian and Turkish minorities including how Greek authorities have refused to execute European Court of Human Rights rulings to register Turkish and Macedonian minority associations, in some instances for more than 20 years. The report is here.

Australian-Macedonians and their Language(s)
Dr Jim Hlavac has authored a book on the Australian Macedonians titled "Three Generations, Two Countries of Origin, One Speech Community - Australian-Macedonians and Their Language(s)". The book focuses on Macedonians from both Aegean Macedonia and the Republic of Macedonia. The book has over 500 pages and looks at the use of Macedonian in a variety of daily settings such as home, work, church and socially as well as inter-generationally. It says that Macedonian is the twelfth most widely spoken language and one of the best maintained minority languages in Australia. Mr Hlavac is Senior Lecturer at the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University. The book is edited by international academic, Professor Christian Voss, and published by Biblion Media in Germany. A 60 page sample with the contents, introduction, and summaries in English, Macedonian and Greek is available on the Free Ebooks section of the pollitecon website and can be downloaded here.
The book can be purchased here.
Other papers by Dr Hlavac on the Macedonian and other languages in Australia are available here.

An Interview with Risto Stefov
Macedonian-Canadian author and translator Risto Stefov gives his views on a wide range of Macedonian issues in a new book titled Analysis of Historical Events in Greek Occupied Macedonia - An interview with Risto Stefov. After years of research and writing, he packs a lot into 218 pages and does it in a very readable and chatty style. The book is here.

While the first book deals with historical issues, in Part 2 Risto discusses current issues such as the 'name' dispute, his views on the so called Slavic invasion theory, and the situation of Macedonians in Greece today, among others. Part 2 is here.

Three Pascal Kamburovski books
Three new ebooks are by Pascal Kamburovski and translated by Risto Stefov. Mystery of Alexander's Grave looks at the events around Alexander's death, the procession to return the corpse to Macedonia, and the theories about what happened to the sarcophagus and Alexander's body. There is plenty of political intrigue. The Mulberry Tree is a long short story written to preserve the memory of the villagers from Kondorobi in Kostursko. It uses real names to tell the stories of their repression at the hands of the Greeks. Trnitsta is the Macedonian language version. It is written in the dialect the people spoke and includes about 550 dialectical words.
Mystery of Alexander's Grave is here.
The Mulberry Tree is here.
Trnitsata is here.

The Jews of Macedonia
The Jews had lived in Macedonia for over 2,000 years, but 98 per cent of them were sent to the death camps by the German and Bulgarian fascists. Holocaust of the Macedonian Jews by Martin Trenevski tells this story. The book is translated and edited by Risto Stefov. The English version is here.
The Macedonian version is here.

Why Greek Governments Can't be Trusted
It can be an expensive mistake to forget that Greek Governments can't be trusted. Just ask European banks. Pollitecon has added the European Commission's report "Greek Government Deficit and Debt Statistics" to its Free Ebooks page. The report examined the huge differences between Greece's stated finances and its real finances - the ones that led to its debt crisis and the world record of €100 billion of debt forgiveness because Greece wouldn't pay its debts. The report says it found evidence of "Severe irregularities" ... "including submission of incorrect data, and non-respect of accounting rules and of the timing of the notification." The report says in 2009, the Greek authorities gave Eurostat two different sets of data which revised the deficit from 5% of GDP to 7.7% and revised the planned deficit for 2009 from 3.7% of GDP to 12.5%. It says "Revisions of this magnitude in the estimated past government deficit ratios have been extremely rare in other EU Member States, but have taken place for Greece on several occasions." But faulty or fraudulent data goes back to at least 2000. The Greek government's data "have been persistently contested by Eurostat, far more frequently than for any other Member State". Eurostat devoted "far more resources and more missions to the country than to any other EU Member State" but despite its the best efforts, Eurostat says it "was unable to fully detect the degree of interference" in the Greek deficit data." The report is here.

The Greek Debt Restructuring: An Autopsy
Also on the theme of Greece's massive financial troubles and incompetence is the paper The Greek Debt Restructuring: An Autopsy, by Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Christoph Trebesch, and Mitu Gulati. This analysis says the Greek debt exchange "set a new world record in terms of restructured debt volume and aggregate creditor losses, easily surpassing previous high water marks such as the default and restructuring of Argentina 2001-2005." It says the design of the restructuring created a large risk for European taxpayers, and set precedents – particularly in its very generous treatment of holdout creditors – that are likely to make future debt restructurings in Europe more difficult. The report is here.

Izmeshani Svetovi
The novel Izmeshani Svetovi, or Mixed Worlds, by Macedonian-Australian author Nove Mladenovski is a science fiction novel in Macedonian. It is set on the planet Armez and follows the dilemma of the people Mi in the country Ma. The people have an existential problem with the Global Council - whether they will support being renamed or becoming nameless. There is no third option.
The novel was published in book form in 2011 by Skopje-based Magor. The ebook is here.

Books by Other Publishers

Life Under the Ottomans
Anarchy in Macedonia: Life under the Ottomans, 1878-1912 Victor Sinadinoski is available in paperback and Kindle editions. The book says Ottoman rule in Macedonia was always unfavorable to the Macedonians as the Turks were ruthless and oppressive. The last four decades of Turkish rule can be seen as the bloodiest and most chaotic years of Macedonia's existence with anarchy, violence and poverty. More information here.

Macedonian Recipes
MACEDONIA Recipes from the Balkans, by Katerina Nitsou has 105 of Macedonia's most classic and celebrated dishes and full color photos. Ms Nitsou is a Macedonian and a classically trained Cordon Bleu chef who is originally from Toronto and now lives in Los Angeles. The book took six years to write. More information here.

Australian Short Stories
Australian Snake is a collection of 18 short stories by Macedonian migrant to Sydney, Dr Vasko Gorgievski. The publisher, "August 2" from Stip, says the stories tell of the psychological life of a child from Bitola who moved to Sydney and grows into youth. The stories are in Macedonian. Australian Snake is the author's third collection of stories. The author can be contacted by email.

More Links
The Links page has four new links.

I am Macedonian
The youtube video I am Macedonian is a thoughtful look at the politics of self-identification and how they apply and don't apply to Macedonians. The clip has had 358,238 views so far. The video is here.

Interview with Panayote Dimitras
In an interview in English for Macedonian TV, spokesperson for Greek Helsinki Monitor, Panayote Dimitras, says that Greece and Bulgaria are isolated in their fantasy that they do not have Macedonian minorities. He says that this is a taboo subject. "Greece has probably the worst record on human rights within the EU on the issue of minorities," he says and that it must be forced to recognize its minorities. He also says that despite the myths, human rights is not a concern of the EU. The in-depth and forthright interview is in English after a short introduction in Macedonian. The interview is here.

Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States
An extract of the video Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States that deals with the Greek Civil War has a lot of very good historical footage, including Churchill talking about the post WW2 deal with Stalin that Britain would keep Greece. This deal ultimately led to the Macedonian participation in the Civil War. How sad to see it juxtaposed with Truman saying the US would support those peoples who were resisting subjugation. If the British and US had given a bit more freedom to the Macedonians, it's likely the Macedonians wouldn't have supported the communists (who did promise freedom) and it would have been a much shorter war. Churchill's imperialism and Truman's ignorance or hypocrisy led to thousands of unnecessary deaths. The video extract was made by Zoran Karapancev and is here.

Makedonija Newspaper
The Macedonian Newspaper Makedonija is a monthly published in Mississauga, Canada. It was first published in 1984 and has many stories on Macedonian culture, language and identity. Makedonija is here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is here.

Discount for Complete Set of Books
A reminder that a complete set of 12 Macedonian books published by Pollitecon can be purchased at a discount of free postage in Australia and reduced airmail postage overseas. See Here.

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Victor Bivell
Pollitecon Publications
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Ph 02 9705 0578
Email vbivell @ pollitecon.com
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