Useful Links

Political and Human Rights Organizations
Greek Helsinki Monitor
Greek Helsinki Monitor - Panayote Dimitras on Facebook
Greek Helsinki Monitor - Panayote Dimitras on Twitter
International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Annual Report 1997 - Greece
International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International on Facebook
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International on Twitter
Macedonians in Albania
OMO Ilinden Pirin
Rainbow Party (Ouranio Toxo / Vinozhito)
United Macedonian Diaspora
United Macedonians Organization of Canada
World Macedonian Congress
World Macedonian Congress - Australia
News and Information
Top Macedonian Newspapers and News Sites
Australian Macedonian Weekly
Canadian Macedonian Historical Society
Ilinden -Newspaper of the Macedonian Association 'Ilinden' Tirana
Macedonia Name - General Information
Macedonian News
Macedonian Newspaper
Makedonska Nacija
Narodna Volja (Newspaper of the Macedonians in Bulgaria)
New Dawn (Nova Zora - Macedonian Newspaper published in Greece)
Shilo Magazine
US Department of State - Macedonia
Educational and Cultural Organizations
House of Immigrants of Macedonia
Macedon - Dedicated to Preserving the Heritage of the Macedonian People
Macedonia - Culture, History, Civilization
Macedonian Association 'Ilinden' Tirana
Macedonian Film Festival
Mario’s History Talks
Online Macedonian Language Program
IReviews - 25 Best Genealogy Sites - The Definitive Guide
Books And Sites By Other Publishers
Canadian Macedonian Historical Society - Numerous Books
Canadian Macedonian Books (Many Macedonian Books in English)
Jason Miko (Author)
Jim Hlavac - Various Papers on the Macedonian Language in Australia
Kopnez Macedonian Newspaper Newcastle
Macedonian Lexicon - XVI Century, published by the the
Institut Detudes Slave, De L'universite De Paris
Macedonian Literary Association of Australia Grigor Prlichev - Catalog
Macedonian Telephone Directory of NSW and ACT (and Mactel Australia)
Macedonians of Northern NSW - A Brief History
MACEDONIA Recipes from the Balkans, by Katerina Nitsou
Makedonski Glas (Macedonian Voice magazine) (In Macedonian)
Michael A Dimitri (Author) Numerous Books
Michael Seraphinoff (Author) Numerous Books
Online Journal of Macedonian History & Culture - Makedonika
Risto Stefov (Author) Numerous Books
Scattered Heritage, by Nove Cvetanoski (About the whereabouts of Macedonia's medieval manuscripts)
Slave Nikolovski-Katin (Author)
The Communist Party of Greece and the Macedonian National Problem (1918 - 1940) (Book)
The Girl from the Tower, by Joanna Giangardella (about Queen Frederica's child adoption program) The Book Launch and The Book
Dr Sam Vaknin on Macedonia (Author) Numerous Articles
Greece-Macedonia Relations and the Name Issue Dispute, by Dr Sam Vaknin (Free Book)
The Economy
Invest in Macedonia
Macedonia 2025
Travel 2 Macedonia
Video Clips And Documentaries
The Greek Colonization of Aegean Macedonia 1912-1953 (in Macedonian)
Critical Past - Clips from the Greek Civil War
A Name is a Name
A Name is a Name (CD)
I am Macedonian
Next Year In Lerin
Macedonia - The Clip That Shocked Greece
Makedonec - Trailer for documentary about child refugee Mito Aleksovski
Svedotsi (Egejska Makedonija) Witnesses (Aegean Macedonia) (in Macedonian)
The Great Water (The film of the book - The Big Water)
The Macedonians - Discovery Channel - Ancient Warriors 1 of 4 (Includes Battle of Chaeronea)
The Macedonians - Discovery Channel - Ancient Warriors 2 of 4 (Includes Battle of Chaeronea)
The Macedonians - Discovery Channel - Ancient Warriors 3 of 4 (Includes Battle of Chaeronea)
The Macedonians - Discovery Channel - Ancient Warriors 4 of 4
Macedonia's Struggle Against Greeks (1904-1908)
The Edwardians In Colour 03 - Europe on the Brink (Includes France, Scandanavia, Italy, and from 33 minute mark Ottoman Macedonia)
Greece - Nationalisn Threatens Democracy
Greek Interview With Macedonia's Foreign Minister About Name Issue
Interview with Panayote Dimitras - spokesperson of Greek Helsinki Monitor (In English after short introduction in Macedonian)
Untold History of the United States, Greek Civil War, by Oliver Stone