Here is how Tane Lazar Naumov from the village of Dolno Kotori, organizing secretary for the Lerin region, described the second renewal of NOF:

"The three of us, Tego, German and I had to find and select people, and to prepare them for organizing on the battlefield. We did not have cadres for that role. All we had were women and injured fighters who had been released from the fighting units of DAG.

"After few days, Vangel Fermanov, born in Buf and released from the DAG ranks following injury, came to my place because I had nominated him as responsible for the Buf region.

"For the Prespa region, which was liberated, I nominated Germanija from Shtrkovo.

"For the Kotori region, I nominated Lena Golcheva from the village German.

"After some days, Laze Asprov from Buf, released from the DAG units for having TB in his bones, came to my place. I sent Lazo to the Buf region to work with Vangel Fermanov.

"In the western Kajmakchalan region, not a single one of the original four cadres remained. They were mobilized into DAG. I was obliged to go to the battle field to find and motivate some members. In Setina, I found Krste Stajov from Ovchareni and the older Trajko Lebanov from Setina. I nominated these two cadres and sent them to the Banitsa region.

"For the Sorovichko region, I nominated Verginija from the village of Tikveni as secretary. She was very energetic and sensibly carried out the work for which she was responsible. After a while, they returned Angelovski Stajo, from the village Rudari, from the DAG army. I sent Stajo as an instructor to the Sorovichko Kajlarski region and later as a military invalid I was sent 'Kanaris' from Kajlarsko and I sent him to the Kajlarski region.

"After some months with me, they sent Boris Rakovski who was a military invalid from the time of the Greek-Italian war. I co-opted him as a member of the Lerin committee.

"Here is how the new composition of the NOF organization looked for the Lerin region, made up of women and invalided cadres from DAG:

1. German Laev - secretary for the Sorovichko- Kajlarski region
2. Tego Sojnichin - secretary of the plains villages around Lerin
3. Vangel Fermanov - secretary of the Buf region
4. Lazo Asprov - instructor of the Buf region
5. Germanija - secretary of the Prespa region
6. Lena Golcheva - secretary of the Kotori region
7. Trajko Lebanov - secretary of the Banitsa region
8. Krste Stajov - instructor of the Banitsa region
9. Virginija - secretary of the Sorovichko region
10. 'Kanaris' - secretary of the Kajlarski region
11. Stajo Angelovski - instructor for the Kajlarski region

"In June 1948 with this group of cadres, such as it was, NOF was again renewed. The organization again continued with its political agitation in the Macedonian villages and their population until the end of the war."

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Lerin in Mourning