Vlahov Todor

Todor Vlahov was born in the village Dobrolishta, Kostur region in 1913. He was a member of OKNE from 1932 and of CPG from 1935. In 1935-36 he was a member of the party committee of the primary party organisation in the village. He was totally given over to the party and the people. He worked tirelessly, night and day, risking his life with all sorts of danger in the time of the uncivilised terror of the Metaxas regime. In 1939 he was arrested, put to beastly inquisitions about his activities and at the end he was sent into exile on the island Anafi.

In 1941 in the Nazi occupation he was one of the first organisers of EAM in Kostur and one of the first armed party groups. He fought for unity between the Macedonians and the Greeks in the general struggle against the occupier. In November 1941 he was arrested by Italian fascists. They tortured him for days but with his belief in the people and the party, with his head high he withstood all the torture. He was sentenced to three years in prison in Volos. Hunger and the sufferings failed to destroy him. He got through every single part of it strongly. In 1943 he left prison and immediately joined the ranks of ELAS. He became a training officer and took part in many battles. His health was badly affected by the tortures in prison but that did not stop him from joining many battles. After Varkiza he was again persecuted but he continued to work illegally until his last days.

He died in 1946 after a heavy illness.

P Mirkovski


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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