Vivkov Naum

Naum M Vivkov was born in 1916 in the village Dmbeni, Kostursko

Together with many other youths from his village he was among the first to join the ranks of the partisan movement. Brave and fearless, talented with military skills he became a military commander and after that a commander of the troop. He was an exemplary fighter and comrade in his troop. He was wounded many times but the last time he was wounded was fatal and he died in 1948 when the military operations started in Gramos. He distinguished himself in the battles in Gramos. He, with the brave example he set, acted in a way that no one in his troop relinquished the Kleftis hill.

D Vlahov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters