Urdov Georgi (Dzhodzho)

Georgi was born in 1912 in Voden. From a young age he worked as a gardener, a labourer. His own social development led him to the path of the struggle - the path to the national and social liberation struggle. From 1934 he joined the ranks of the CPG and worked actively in the spreading of its policies. In the time of the Metaxas dictatorship Dzhodzho continued to work in the ranks of the CPG, in a variety of posts.

During the time of the Nazi occupation he was among the first to work even harder in reorganizing the party organizations, in establishing patriotic organizations of the masses. He fought passionately against the Greater Bulgarian chauvinism, against Kalchev and the other representatives of fascist Bulgaria. Because of his activism he was promoted to the role of party activist and was elected a member of the Voden regional committee of the CPG.

During the years 1946-47 Dzhodzho was in the ranks of DAG. He was a member of the Headquarters for Central and Western Macedonia and with the rank of major he worked as supply officer at the headquarters. In the big operations on Peierija-Olympus in the summer of 1947 he was killed.

In a mark of recognition, Dzhodzho was promoted to colonel, posthumous hero.


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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