Trpovski Kosta

He was born in the village of Dmbeni, Kostur in 1914. He was from a revolutionary family - his brother was the Macedonian hero Lazo Trpovski. He was a member of the CPG during the Metaxas dictatorship and led the party organization in the village. During the occupation in 1941 the Italian fascists and their local lackeys followed him, and so he began illegal activity. However in 1943 he was betrayed, arrested and taken to the Kostur prison and then the Athens prison "Averof". He was twice given the death sentence but thanks to the events of 1944 he was released before the sentence could be carried out. Straight after his release he threw himself with even greater passion into the national struggle. The imperial intervention by the English in December 1944 found him in the ranks of ELAS in the heroic Kesariani in Athens and there he died a hero. In Kesariani the event is notified that Kosta Trpovski, at the head of a group, with one heavy gun in his hand, defended the attacks of the English. Kosta fell in the post to which he was loyal, certain that his sacrifice would not be for nothing. He fell in the general battle with the brother Greek people for the liberation of both peoples.

D Vlahov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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