Stavrov Iljo

He was born in the village of Bobishta, Kostur region to a poor family. In his village he worked for others - he herded sheep.

As an activist of the organization in the village he ensured all of the tasks allocated to him were completed. Many times he was mistreated by the Greek police who were berserk in Kostur. In July 1947 he joined the ranks of DAG. In the battle at Mechovo in 1948 he was killed. Wounded in both legs, he did not leave his post as company commander while his comrades remained. He continued to fight to the last moment.

He met his obligation to the people honourably, the people he respected more than everything.

K Levendov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters