Stavropulos Ilija

He was born in the village of Sniceno, Kostur region in 1911 to a poor, progressive and revolutionary family. He took part in the battle against the Italian fascist aggressors to defend his homeland. In 1942 he was organized into the CPG and took part in the ranks of the reserve units of ELAS. Ilija served in DAG as well, in the 14th brigade in the automatic weapon company and took part in many battles - in Odrija, Orlik, Gupata, on Haros, Kotelsko and elsewhere and withstood bravely all of the trials, hardships and inconveniences of the partisan war.

On 17 July 1948 in the operations on Gramos Ilija was surrounded in Aj-Lija on Langa. There together with his comrades he fought the whole day against the countless enemy forces and was killed along with other Greek fighters. They were courageous and deserving of respect.

V Naskopulos


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters