Skornu Teodora

Teodora Skornu was born in 1922 in the village of Nestram, Kostur to a poor labouring family. She became a member of the CPG in 1941 and dedicated herself entirely to the national effort. Her political and organizational abilities raised her to the level of activist of the party and from 1942 she worked professionally in the women's section of the Kostur Regional Council of EPON and developed a serious reputation as a fighter among the youth of Kostur. In October 1945 as a delegate of the Kostur youth she took part in the pan Greek conference of EPON.

After the Varkiza agreement she was arrested many times and thrown into the Kostur, Kozhani and other jails.

In July 1946 she joined the ranks of DAG and quickly rose to the rank of company commisar. She took part in many battles on Epir, Gramos and Vich. In the month of August 1948 in the great battle on Gramos she died on the peak Zhuzheli, not far from her village.

She was promoted to commissar captain.

H Skornu


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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