Shipakov Gele

Gele Shipakov was born in the village of Ostrovo-Vodensko in 1927. In his village he completed primary school. He was a member of ELAS. After Varkiza he was arrested. He escaped from prison along with a group of youths and at the start of 1946 he was among the first partisans on Kajmachkalan. He took part in many violent battles.

His heroism and fearlessness was most strongly shown by Gele in the battle of Jankulova hut. With his comrade Trajko Kolichanov from Chegan, from whom he was never apart, he destroyed a boundary monarcho-fascist post. For that effort he was promoted to the rank of officer for bravery. In 1947 he went to DAG officer school. He distinguished himself with his courage both as a student at the officer school and while, at the same time, fighting in many battles. In one of the battles fought by the 14th brigade on Mali-Madi against the monarcho-fascists, Gele died fulfilling his obligation to the party and the people.

G Shipakov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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