Robev Georgi

Georgi Robev was born in 1915 in the village of Ekshisovo, Lerin region. His occupation was labouring. From a young age he became familiar with the workers' movement and developed into a serious revolutionary activist and because of that he was arrested and tortured by the fascist forces. In the Metaxas years he was sent into exile to the island of Anafi. When he was released he threw himself, with the passion of youth, into the liberation struggle against the monarcho-fascist occupiers. Georgi was a passionate defender of the policies of the CPG for the equal rights of the Macedonian people and fought against all chauvinistic elements in the Macedonian movement.

He took part in many struggles of DAG and died in September 1949 in the great battles on Mali-Madi.

M Adzhikirev


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters