Popov Iljo

Iljo Popov was born in 1915 in the village of Ekshisovo, Lerin region. His family was very poor and from a young age he worked as a labourer. His big brother Vangel was one of the best activists of the CPG in his own village and the Surovichko region. His brother became very ill and was unable to complete the decision of the regional committee and so was relieved of obligation to carry out any party task until he got completely better. He continued to work and died remaining loyal to his post until the very end. Following the path of his brother, Iljo in 1933 became a member of OKNE and in 1935 a member of CPG and participated actively in the completion of various party actions.

In the years of the Metaxas regime he was arrested and tortured many times.

In 1941 Iljo was one of the first activists of the national liberation movement in Surovichko. He was a fighter of ELAS and DAG and as such took part in many battles on Vich, Gramos and elsewhere. He died in 1948 in Sarantoporos.

M Adzhikirov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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