Popiliev Petre

Petre Popiliev was born in Armensko, Lerin region. He was one of the selected and brave fighters of DAG. In 1948 he served at the officer school at the Main Headquarters of DAG as a sergeant - corporal. He gave close attention to the military studies of those in his unit. In battle too he was a courageous fighter. In a battle near Grevena in April 1948 he fought bravely. In June of the same year in the attack on the officer school in Kamenik Petre Popiliev fell heroically. He was badly wounded and before he died, turning to the others he said, "Comrades, I am dying and I do not grieve for the loss of my life, but I do grieve because I cannot continue the battle against fascism. You must continue the fight..." Those are the words we last heard from the dying Petre. He said a few more words but because of the loud noise of the weapons and the airplanes, which flew above us, we did not understand him. Then the unforgettable fighter died in our arms.

He was posthumously promoted to sub lieutenant commissar.

M Fotiadis


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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