Pena Petro

He was born in the village of Zhuma-Demirhisarsko to a poor village family. Seeing the hardships of his parents and those on his own shoulders, he joined the progressive movement of Greece and became a member of the CPG and a partisan. Because of his bravery and cleverness he became an officer of DAG. He worked as a commissar in the villages and towns and he completed all of the missions allocated to him by the party with decisiveness and bravery.

He was sent with a special mission to the village of Haznatar (Hrisi Korifi) and was uncovered by the monarcho- fascist forces and was surrounded in a house. The shooting started. Two of his comrades managed to get out of the line of fire. In trying to leap out of a window, Pena aimed at the monarcho-fascists with hand grenades and his machine gun; he was riddled with enemy bullets. He fell as a loyal son and brave hero of the people.

G Muljarov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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