Pechkovi Hristo and Tome

Both of them were born in the village of Ostrovo, Voden. Hristo was actively involved in ELAS. Again in the second phase of the partisan movement he joined the ranks of DAG and later his brother Tome joined. Both of them were in the detachments at Pajak-Kajmachkalan.

The monarcho-fascist forces were lined up on the peak Kajmachkalan with the aim of preventing the partisan detachment from Vich contacting that of Kajmachkalan. At that time they initiated fighter operations and at that time you could not get from Dzhena to the Lerin plain near Kajmachkalan. The detachment was forced to go that way: Papdija - Chegan - Ostrovsko plain. Going that way, the detachment fell into a trap. Hristo was a courier at that time and his brother Tome had the machine gun. The two brothers were sacrificed during that battle. They fell but the detachment succeeded in getting through and completing its mission.

G Shipakov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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