Pashov Tanas

Tanas Pashov was born in the village Nestram, Kostur, in 1924. He was a member of the CPG since 1942. He was among the first fighters of ELAS and participated in many operations against the German-Italian fascists. He was made captain of ELAS because of his outstanding service.

After the Varkiza agreement he was followed and then tortured by the monarcho-fascist forces, by the Nestram police force.

In 1946 he joined the ranks of DAG. At the start he served as a leading commander. Later as a captain of the 14th brigade, he was an active fighter and participated in many battles where he fought heroically. Tanas as a company commander died on 17 April 1948 at the locality called Gorica. He was promoted to major, deceased hero because of his bravery.



From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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