Pashov Aleko (Filipidi)

Aleko Pashov was born in the village of Nestram, Kostur region, to a labourer family. He was a carpenter. He became a member of the CPG in 1943. He participated in ELAS and fought against the fascist occupiers and their local servants. After the Varkiza agreement he was followed by the monarcho-fascist forces. He joined the ranks of DAG in 1946 and participated in many battles with the 14th brigade as a leading commander. In 1948 he was badly wounded and after he healed he served in the units at Epir. In April 1949 as an officer of the officer school at the headquarters he participated in the taking back of Gramos, and in the battle of Kanaka he showed outstanding heroism. He entered the enemy trenches and began hand-to-hand combat. He was captured and held for 12 hours; after DAG attacked, he was released and fought until Kanaka was liberated.

He participated in the battle at Patoka where he died on 11 April 1949. He was promoted to captain, deceased hero.

N Karapandov


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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