Lokrov Jani

The blond haired Jane Lokrov grew strong and powerful. He was an outstanding student at school and had a great spirit of solidarity with his fellow students. The teachers respected him and he was respected by his fellow students. What would the future prospects be for the strong and spirited hero?

Whatever the future held for the young man, in Bmbel, Kostur region, he had to start with one or two years as a shepherd. Some sent their sons out of need, others to toughen their children. And it was true that in one or two years the small yellow haired boy grew into a real man, with broad shoulders. The Bmbel mountains do not have many trees and little water but even without that they have their own beauty which only those born in Bmbel can feel.

Jane Lokrov was one of the most passionate admirers of our mountain and not just for its nature and beauty but before all for its historic places that recalled the shouts of the fearless Ilinden fighters. Passing with his sheep the cave where 18 heroes from Bmbel who fought in Ilinden and killed themselves to avoid being captured by the Turkish army that had surrounded them, Jane carved into the rock with his knife, "We will continue your fight." And he truly kept this promise.

Later he learned the cobbler trade, completed all his apprentice obligations to his master, and became a master himself. He opened a shop in the village square. The people tell that in those times, some gained while others lost. An even-tempered man could, in those hard times, look after his shop and nothing else. But Jane did not take such a path. He joined the powerful storm of the great national liberation struggle. In 1944 after he completed a number of services and missions for the national liberation and party organizations in his village and the region, he set off with the rest of the youth from the village and joined the ranks of ELAS. He was an active and fiery defender of unity between the Greek and Macedonian people, loyal to the policies of the party, Jane had a deep understanding that being united was the proper path for the national and socialistic liberation of the Macedonians, and fighting together with the Greek people under the leadership of CPG against the general enemy.

A fearless fighter for DAG from 1946 and with outstanding capabilities as a commander, Lokrov quickly became captain. He participated in many struggles on Vermion, Kajmachkalan and Vich.

In 1947 in the heat of battle on Vermion he was deafened by the terrible enemy artillery and air bombardments. He sought permission for a time and returned to his village. He went with a great pain in his soul. He did not remain long. He did not enjoy the various jobs he had to do while in the village. So, before he got better, with his perseverance, he managed to join the fighting units in Vich as a company commander machine gunners.

He was killed on 20 April 1948 on the street in Kostur-Bogachko by enemy fire. After his death he was made major, deceased hero.

T Karameshev


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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