Kirijaku Evgenija

Evgenija Kirijaku was born in 1932 in the village Nestram, Kostur. Her father died in the Asia Minor war, and from her youngest years she felt all the hardships and bitterness of being without a father and of poverty.

She was very young when she met and became engaged to one of her neighbours, a good young man, a people's fighter. The fascist occupiers arrested her fiancé and shot him. That was a terrible blow for Evgenija but she nonetheless gave herself over completely to the national liberation struggle, continuing the work of her beloved. In 1941 she became a member of CPG. She was arrested in 1942 because of her support for the struggle and taken to the Athens jails. After her release she left her village and gave herself completely to the national liberation struggle. Evgenija was a member of the Kostur regional Council of EPON and worked in organizing the young men and women into the ranks of EPON. All the EPON members of the region of Dobrolishta, Poleto who knew Evgenija and her activities spoke with great respect about her. Until the liberation of our homeland Evgenija worked tirelessly.

After the Varkiza agreement, she was arrested by the monarcho fascist forces, tortured and imprisoned in the Kostur prisons. At the start of 1948 she was released and returned to her village. A passionate fighter, Evgenija knew what her mission was and, even though her village was occupied by the fascist army, she found a way to go out to the mountain and to join the battle with a rifle in hand alongside her sisters. Evgenija completed all the missions that were given to her. She participated in many battles - in Gramos, Vich, Lerin, Negush, Voden and elsewhere. She was killed in the battle of Odria in 1949 as a sub lieutenant, commissar. Evgenija distinguished herself with her goodness and stamina. Those who knew her and her work will never forget that modest and single-minded young woman.

O Kutruki


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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