Kalkov Georgi

Georgi Kalkov was born in 1915 in the village of Visheni, Kostur region. In the time of the Nazi occupation with the passion of youth he joined the ranks of the national liberation movement and became a military commander of ELAS.

He was among the first to join the ranks of DAG. He participated in many battles and fought heroically. He was promoted to company commander.

At the start of 1948 he served in the 670 unit of DAG. His battalion was among the units that went to meet the unarmed fighters from Rumeli, who were on the road to Gramos. This operation was known by the name "Heroic march of the column of unarmed from Rumeli." On 16 March 1948 near "Kundzhupija" at the pl. Pierija, Georgi and a few other fighters from his battalion were surprised by the enemy. In those difficult moments Georgi fought with his revolver in his hand until his last bullet.

The archive of his unit records that "Georgi Kalkov made a large contribution to breaking the hold that the enemy and to uniting the fighters with remaining units. He was an example of a capable fighter and personal courage. His last words were 'I am dying; the victory is ours and democracy will prevail'."


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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