Dzhikov Vangel (Dzhikata)

Vangel Dzhikov grew up and went to school in the little town Surovichovo. His parents came from the poor mountain village Chegan near Kajmachkalan mountain, which they left after the Balkan wars.

Vangel was a slim man, but muscular and full of life and energy. He was around 25 years of age when the German plague flooded our motherland. With the help of the Lerin CPG regional committee, the party organisation in Surovichovo reorganised and some of the older communists joined along with new members. Among the new members of the Surovichovo party organisation was Vangel Dzhikov. His decisiveness and activitism were such that he quickly advanced and was allocated responsible tasks. He was elected a member of the committee of the party organisation in Surovichko and was responsible for military operations. That job was not easy especially in Surovichovo which is in a central spot between the mountains Vich-Sinjachko-Vermio-Kajmachkilan. Vangel kept in contact with the party units of ELAS, which were active in all four mountains. He collected provisions - wheat, money, goods, arms, and anything else that was required, by various channels, and took care that it was delivered to the partisan units. Vangel carried a great burden. However, he carried it well. He worked day and night to meet the party commands, the commands of the people's liberation movement and was forced to abandon his own affairs, although that was dangerous.

Surovichovo is a small town and the smallest suspicion of movement is exaggerated. The regional office of the Greek police is located there and it had a German commander. Vangel was in the jaws of the lion. However, as the police and the commander collected witness statements about his work, so too did he, with his own people, collect witness statements about the intentions of the enemy. He knew how serious and responsible the work that he did in Surovichovo was and took all possible measures so that he could continue his work without harm. And when he learnt he could no longer stay in Surovichovo, the party found him other work to do.

He then worked as an illegal activist, as a member of the Surovichovo regional committee of CPG. He was dangerous; carrying bombs on his belt, with a schmajzer light machine gun over his shoulder and with his pistol in his hand, he went from village to village to carry out the party's work. Vangel's work was excellent in this post too. However the place was dangerous. It was on the road to Lerin, to Kostur, to Kajlari. All of the villages are on the road. On 28 March 1944 close to the village Ailos he encountered a German truck. An unequal battle began. Vangel fought bravely. The Germans got within a few steps of him. Then, realising that he would be killed, he grabbed the bomb from his belt and threw it at the Germans. A few of them died. They died from the damage done by the bomb thrown by the brave people's fighter.

Vangel Dzhikata


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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