Andreeva Evantija

Evanka Andreeva was a young girl from the village Novoselanu in Kostur. Unable to bear the slavery of her poverty, she became a partisan. She was always happy. Wherever she was, whether in the company or in the battalion, her singing could be heard: battle songs and traditional folk songs from her birthplace. With her goodness and bravery, she created a happy atmosphere around herself and in the whole unit regardless of the circumstances she found herself in - whether marching or in lines, under fire in battle or when resting.

She fought on Gramos, Vich and later participated in the march of X division to Kajmachkalan-Vermio. Her stamina in all the marches was an example to others. As a shooter of the submachine gun she carried her weapon the whole way from Vich to Vermion, changing only a few times with her squad leader.

In the battle at Voden, she was the first to cross the enemy line of barbed wire on Karaman. For a short time the hill fell into the hands of the partisans. After that she fought bravely against the enemy near the houses at the edge of Voden and near the railway station.

She fought in the battle of Sabatsko and in all the marches that lead to the battle at Negush. At Negush, her company undertook the task of taking Dalamari, which looks over the town. The enemy set off from Ber with a military unit and tanks. Evantija, without regard for the danger, stood upright and met the enemy attacks with the submachine gun in her hand, singing.

She was standing strong when the enemy shot her, the bullet hitting her in the head before she fell.

Her company had a meeting and out of respect for her strength and self sacrifice proposed to promote her to a higher rank and to award her a medal for bravery.

On 25 February 1949 Evantija was lieutenant deceased hero. With the same announcement she was awarded a bravery medal. In the announcement it says, "In the battles at Voden-Negush she was outstanding in her brave and decisive actions, which raised her in the eyes of her comrades as a chosen one among the chosen ones who have the honour to participate in the popular democratic struggle for Greece."


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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