Adzhikirov Gigo

Gigo Adzhikirov was born in 1912 in the village Ekshisovo in Lerin. As early as 1934 he became a member of the Communist Party of Greece and worked actively to achieve party aims. He participated in the campaign of the parliamentary elections in January 1936 and together with the other communists from Ekshisovo fought for the opening of an electoral office of the People's Front in his own village. In the pre-election campaign, a group of villagers - among them Gigo - joined the candidates of the People's Front in their visit to villages and protected them from attacks by the police.

From 1943 to 1945 Gigo was secretary of the Party organization in Ekshisovo and a member of the Surovichko regional committee of CPG. In this period he developed a greater importance in the party and fought bravely against the Nazi occupation and their agents Kalchev and others.

After Varkiza he was followed by the monarcho-fascist government forces, who burned down his house. Regardless, he continued to work underground for the large freedom fighting organizations.

In 1948 he was one of the leaders of the unattached shooters in Surovichko. On 6 December 1948 close to the mills of Gorsko, he fell into an enemy ambush and was heavily wounded. He died on the same day and his comrades buried him in the village of Zeleniche. Three days later, the monarcho-fascists exhumed his body and dragged it through the villages to terrorise the people. Gigo had reached the rank of captain in DAG.


From: For Sacred National Freedom: Portraits Of Fallen Freedom Fighters

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