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Free Ebooks Popular
Pollitecon's new Free Ebooks page is proving popular and has been the fourth most visited page on Pollitecon's web site in the past four months. The page has 54 free books in PDF format, several with versions in both English and Macedonian. The books cover a wide range of political and literary topics. Recent additions include three reports by Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece. One of the most popular downloads is the book The History of the Macedonian People by the Institute of National History in Macedonia. It is available in both English and Macedonian. The Free Ebooks page is Here.

Macedonian Lexicon - XVI Century
Pollitecon's Links page now has a link to the book Macedonian Lexicon - XVI Century by the Institut Detudes Slave, De L'universite De Paris. The book is a study based on words and phrases from Macedonia in the 16th century. It has a glossary and over 300 words and phrases that demonstrate the Macedonian language of the Kostur region of the time. It is one of the earliest manuscripts written in the Macedonian tongue. The book was reprinted online by Macedonianspark.com and is Here.

Reprint for The Rising Sun in the Balkans
Pollitecon Publications has reprinted the book The Rising Sun in the Balkans: The Republic of Macedonia. The book was first printed in 1995 and sold out several years ago. Authored by the International Affairs Agency in Turkey, the book was published at the height of the controversy instigated by the Greek Government to hinder the international recognition of Macedonia's constitutional name. The book presents the arguments of both Greece and Macedonia and an objective, third party analysis. Among other issues, it examines the Greek claim to exclusive copyright, the historical arguments, the division of Macedonia in 1913 which laid the foundation for the issue, and the denial of basic human rights to the Macedonian minority in Greece. More information about the book and an online order form are Here.

Old Village, Photos and Song from Macedonians in Greece
The Macedonian Communities page on Greece has added a series of old photos of the Petrov family from Salonica. For a time the family also lived in Polin, Smol and Gevgelija. The page also has a link to the song and video clip Bolka za Neret, and a link to the Facebook page of the village Aposkep near Kostur. The page on Greece is Here.

Defending Human Rights Defenders
The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) has requested that people write to the Greek prime minister and other authorities in Greece to urge them to end the ongoing judicial harassment of human rights campaigner, Mr Panayote Dimitras. Mr Dimitras is spokesperson for Greek Helsinki Monitor and a member of OMCT General Assembly.

Mr Dimitras has received an indictment to stand trial on charges of "perjury" and "defamation" against a member lawyer of the Athens Bar Association who has been accused of racial discrimination. OMCT said it "is concerned about these new acts of harassment against Mr Panayote Dimitras, which seem to merely aim at sanctioning his human rights activities, and in particular his activities against discrimination, anti-Semitism and minority rights in Greece, and calls upon the Greek authorities to ensure that he is able to carry out his legitimate activities without any hindrance and fear of reprisals."

OMCT requests that people write to the Greek authorities and urge them to put an end to any kind of harassment against Mr Dimitras and all human rights defenders in Greece. More information and contact addresses to write to are Here.

Human Rights Facebook and Twitter Links
Pollitecon's Links page has new links to the Facebook page and the Twitter page of Greek human rights campaigner, Panayote Dimitras; and to the Facebook and Twitter pages of the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International. The Links page is Here.

Macedonians in Shepparton
Pollitecon's Macedonian Communities page on Australia has a new link to the Facebook page of the Macedonians from Shepparton in Victoria. The page is Here.

Books on the Macedonian Struggle in Pirin Macedonia
The Macedonian Literary Association of Australia Grigor Prlichev has published two books on Pirin Macedonia co-authored by Atanas Kiryakov and Aleksandar Donksi. The books are Macedonia Rises: The Macedonian National Movement in the Pirin Part of Macedonia, which is in English; and Makedonskoto Natsionalno Dvizhenje vo Pirinskiot Del na Makedonia, which is in Macedonian. Atanas Kyriakou from Blagoevgrad was one of OMO Ilinden's first members and the books contain numerous historical documents and letters. The Macedonian National Movement in the Pirin Part of Macedonia includes personal documents from the 1950s that indicate Bulgaria recognized the Macedonian people as separate from the Bulgarian nation. The books can be ordered in Australia from Dushan Ristevski by emailing Here, or in Macedonia from Aleksandar Donski by emailing Here.

Online Library - Makedonika
The online library - Makedonika is a collection of books by Macedonian authors and has free membership. The elibrary allows access to ebooks on various parts of Macedonian literature. It aims to encourage reading among all generations of Macedonians in or outside of Macedonia, to preserve books that are important for the Macedonian language and nation, and to promote Macedonian contemporary literature by publishing new authors. The library is supported by Foundation Makedonika. The library is Here.

Macedonian Scientific Researchers
The Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science has established a database of over a thousand scientific researchers and colleagues in Macedonia and abroad. The aims of Nauka.com are to encourage scientific debate, generate ideas for new scientific research, connect the growing number of Macedonian scientists in the diaspora, and improve networking. Expatriate organizations are requested to help expand the database and knowledge about the portal. The portal is Here.

Books by Marina Dimitrievska
Macedonian author Marina Dimitrievska has published two novels about Aegean Macedonia. Come Back, Melina, is about Katerina who is born in the village of Gorenci in Drama county in Greece in 1917. She is the tenth child in a wealthy and respectable family, but while young she runs away with Dimitar, a young man whose family is not well off. The story follows the tragic events of their extended family, including their escape from Greece as refugees.

The novel Does He Bear the Devil's Soul is a dramatic story of a family with seven children who in 1945 are forced out of their home in the village of Mesokambo near Lerin in Greece and move to Bitola, where more tragedy ensues. The book has insights and truth about the fate of Macedonian refugees.

The books are published and available in Macedonia. The author can be contacted Here.

Books by Tihomir Stojanovski
A number of books by Tihomir Stojanovski, an associate professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje, are available free online. Mr Stojanovski is the author of books, plays, novels, and screenplays and a director of theater performances and documentaries. Among others, he explores the themes of ritual and spiritual culture. The books are Here.

Art and Architecture in Macedonia
The author and art historian Nebojša Vilic' has made available online and for free five books in Macedonian. The books discuss art and architecture in Macedonia. They include the sculptures and architectural aspects of new developments in central Skopje; art and art criticism; and cultural policy. The books total 560 pages and 131 illustrations. The books are Here.

Discount for Complete Set of Books
A reminder that a complete set of 12 Macedonian books published by Pollitecon can be purchased at a discount of free postage in Australia and reduced airmail postage overseas. See Here.

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Victor Bivell
Pollitecon Publications
PO Box 3411
Wareemba NSW 2046 Australia
Ph 02 9705 0578
Email vbivell @ pollitecon.com
Web http://www.pollitecon.com

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