
Update From Pollitecon Publications

April 2013

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Interview with Author of The Contest for Macedonian Identity
SBS Radio has interviewed Nick Anastasovski, the author of the prize winning book The Contest for Macedonian Identity 1870-1912. The interview was on the occasion of the publication of the Macedonian translation of the book. Nick discusses how the book came about, the political and social life of the Macedonians of the period, some of the people he interviewed for the book, and the state of Macedonian writing and literature. The interview is Here.

Interview with Tanas Mechkarov
A part of Pollitecon's extensive interview with Macedonian-Australian businessman Tanas Mechkarov has been translated into Greek and published in the Nova Zora newspaper in Greece. Mr Mechkarov is from the village of Neret. The Greek translation is Here. The full English interview is Here.

The Greek Anti-Macedonian Struggle
The Australian-Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) has published an English language translation of the book The Greek Anti-Macedonian Struggle Part 1 by Dimitris Lithoxou. The book was originally published in Greek and then Macedonian. The English translation is by Dr Chris Popov, David Vitkov and George Vlahov of the AMHRC. The book very powerfully pulls apart Greek nationalist myths about the takeover of Aegean Macedonia and the supposedly heroic role of Greek liberators. It documents the activities of Greek terrorist gangs and massacres including at the village of Zagorichani where 80 people were killed. The book can be purchased Here.

The Macedonian Orthodox Christians in Greece
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) has published a report on the religious oppression of the Macedonian Christians in Greece. Greece does not have a separation of Church and State, and the report, Greece: Religious Freedom Abuses - The Case of the Macedonian Orthodox Christian Minority, outlines the lack of religious freedom and the culture of religious abuse in the legal system. It discusses the grievances of recent immigrants, the Turkish minority in Thrace, and the Macedonian Orthodox Christian community. The report is Here.

Dinner With Foreign Minister
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) has organized a Gala Dinner in Sydney with the Australian Foreign Minister, Senator Bob Carr. Other confirmed speakers are the Co-Chairs of the Australia Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group: Mr Stephen Jones MP and Mr Luke Simpkins MP. The Foreign Minister will deliver a keynote speech on Advancing Australia Macedonia Relations in collaboration with the Macedonian community and other key stakeholders. The dinner is on 5 July. Tickets can be purchased Here.

Nova Zora Anniversary
The monthly Macedonian newspaper in Greece, Nova Zora, has completed and celebrated its third year of publication. In that time it has distributed hundreds of thousands of newspapers in Aegean Macedonia and maintained a web site of its stories. The newspaper is funded by MHRMI and AMHRC, and edited in Greece by Dimitri Ioannou (Jovanov). The newspaper is Here. Videos of the celebration are Here and Here.

Walking on a Wire
Macedonian-Australian teacher and poet Zaklina Mihajlova has published her first book of poetry. Walking on a Wire has 33 poems and three major themes: Life, Macedonia, and Australia. The poems are in both English and Macedonian. The book was co-launched by Victor Bivell, and his speech, titled An Enjoyable Book of Poems, is Here.

The book was published by the Australian Macedonian Literary Association Grigor Prlichev, and can be purchased from Dushan Ristevski by clicking Here or phoning 0425 231 335.

The Girl from the Tower: A Journey of Lies
The Girl from the Tower: A Journey of Lies by Joanna Gangarella is a book by one of the so called ‘Queen Frederica's children' who were taken from their families by the Greek authorities in the 1950s. Little is known about this notorious period and practice, except that many of these children were Macedonian. Although this book does not appear to have a Macedonian connection, it brings some much needed attention to this issue. A video of the book's launch is Here. The book can be bought Here.

Macedonia's Peaceful Independence
The book Conflict in Macedonia: Exploring a Paradox in the Former Yugoslavia, by Sasho Ripiloski looks at the questions of how Macedonia attained its status as the only Yugoslav republic to achieve a nonviolent transition to independence, and why the initial peace failed to endure. It looks at Macedonia's state-building efforts, and assesses the implications of Macedonia's experience. The book was published by FirstForumPress, and is available Here.

Translating the Balkans
The founder of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society, Virginia Evans, has written a review of Translating the Balkans, a lecture by author, translator and linguist, Professor Christina Kramer. Professor Kramer spoke about the processes and challenges of moving literary works into English and translating a work of art into a new language. The occasion also saw the launch of three books: My Father's Books and also The Time of the Goats by Luan Starova, and Freud's Sister by Goce Smilevski. The review is Here.

The Macedonians In Albania
Makedonium is a new web site about the Macedonians in Albania. It is a large site with news and articles in three languages - Macedonian, Albanian and English. The site was launched because Albania recognizes only the ethnic Macedonians in Mala Prespa and Vrbnik village, but not the Macedonians in Golo Brdo, Gora regions, and other cities. The site has articles on the life, work and status of Macedonians in Albania. See Here.

Macedonian Communities
The Macedonian Communities Around the World page on the Pollitecon website has been reorganized with links to community organizations grouped onto a separate page for each country.

There are two new links on the page for Greece. One is the village P'pli (Lefkon) in the Lerin region, with a link to an extensive Wikipedia entry on the village. The other is a 1924 photograph of the Manolevi family from the Armensko village in the Lerin region. Both can be accessed from the page on Greece Here.

There are also two new links on the page for France: the Association Franco-Macedonienne, and La Communaute Culturelle Orthodoxe Saints Cyrille Et Methode. See Here.

The page on Macedonia has a link to the village Gorenci, as Kiril Arsov has authored a brochure titled "The Kingdom of Lyncus". Lyncus was the capital of the Kingdom of Lyncus and is near the present village of Gorenci near Trebenishte. Eurydike, the mother of King Philip II, was born in Lyncus. The page on Macedonia is Here.

New Links
The Links page on the Pollitecon web site has been updated with links to: Ancient Macedonia; The House of Immigrants of Macedonia; the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto; Scattered Heritage By Nove Cvetanoski (About the whereabouts of Macedonia's medieval manuscripts); and Macedonia 2025. The Links page is Here.

European Union Foreign Affairs Journal Blog on Macedonia
The Chief Editor of the European Union Foreign Affairs Journal, Hans-Juergen Zahorka, has written a blog that is critical of Bulgaria and Greece and the hold up to Macedonia's entry to the EU. The blog, Macedonia vs. Greece, and now also Bulgaria, is Here.

Macedonian Talking-Book on Diabetes
Macedonian-Australian Jaklina Michael has released a Macedonian Diabetes Talking-Book. Jaklina is the Manager of Diversity with the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) which provides nursing and healthcare services across Australia and New Zealand. The book is also available in written form in both English and Macedonian. The free book is Here.

Community Leader Stands for Parliament
A candidate at the recent 2013 Western Australian state election was former chairman of the Macedonian Community of WA, Jim Bivoltsis. Jim was chairman for two years to 2009 and he was also a member of the Liberal Party for 30 years. However, when the Liberal Party parachuted in an outside candidate, Jim resigned and stood for the seat of Churchlands as an independent. Read More

35th Anniversary for Macedonian Literary Association of Australia
Congratulations to the Macedonian Literary Association of Australia on the 35th anniversary of its formation in Sydney in 1978. In that time the Association has published well over 60 books of poetry, drama, and politics. A catalog of the Association's books is Here.

Pollitecon Books

Discount for Complete Set of Books
A reminder that a complete set of Macedonian books published by Pollitecon can be purchased at a discount of free postage in Australia and reduced airmail postage overseas. See Here then click on the drop-down menu.

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Victor Bivell
Pollitecon Publications
PO Box 3411
Wareemba NSW 2046 Australia
Ph 02 9705 0578
Email vbivell @ pollitecon.com
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