
Update From Pollitecon Publications

June 2
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Many new books and some articles and videos have been added to the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library and website.

The Historical Differences Between the Macedonians and the Bulgarians
The book The Historical Differences Between the Macedonians and the Bulgarians by Aleksandar Donski is now available in English as a free ebook. Based on Bulgarian and foreign sources, the book explains in easy-to-understand terms why the Macedonians were never Bulgarians in history. It was published by the Macedonian Literary Society "Grigor Prlichev" from Sydney in cooperation with the Association of Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia "Mirka Ginova" from Shtip. The ebook has been sent individually to all members of the European Parliament and other internationals. Mr Donski has invited all Macedonians and friends of Macedonia to share the ebook with national and international leaders and organizations. The ebook is Here.

Bulgarian Conspiracy
The book Bulgarian Conspiracy was published in 1939 to expose what the author, J Swire, said were the outrages and conspiracies perpetrated by the Bulgarian government over Macedonia and other Balkan lands. Bulgarian Conspiracy gives a truthful analysis of Bulgaria's history and policies that boldly contradicts the official Bulgarian slant on history. Much of that history involves its efforts to expand its territory, propagandize the Macedonians and take over Macedonia. The book gives an invaluable history to the current efforts by the Bulgarian government to claim Macedonia and the Macedonians. Nearly 100 years ago, the author wrote that "most Macedonians did not want to be Bulgarians". J Swire was a journalist who was expelled from Bulgaria. The book is Here.

The Persecution of the Macedonians in Bulgaria
The book Tabu - A Time of Fear and Suffering - The Persecution of the Macedonians in Bulgaria During Communism (1944 - 1989) is by academic and well known human rights advocate, Stojko Stojkov. The author calls it a painful and sadly belated book about the persecution by Bulgaria of its ethnic Macedonians, who were tried, re-tried and sentenced without being heard and without the right to a defence. Macedonians were national enemies, traitors, apostates, and yet non-existent. And Bulgarian historians did not want to hear about the memories and documents of the persecution and assimilation of the Macedonian minority but instead did the opposite and worked to prove there is no such minority. The author says it is an inescapable truth that the ignorance of Bulgarian society about the real situation of the Macedonian minority and nation and the delusion of their non-existence are a contemporary crime of Bulgarian historiography and journalism. The fate and the existence of the Macedonian minority is a taboo subject. The book has many case studies and documents. It is in Bulgarian, and is Here.

The Macedonian Question in Communist Bulgaria
The Macedonian Question in Communist Bulgaria by Milena Borden is a book chapter that looks at "the effects of the Macedonian question on the formation, development and changes in the communist concept of Bulgarian national identity". Among other topics it discusses the religious factor in history, the Macedonian revolutionary organisations, the Balkan Wars, Communist Politics during the Bulgarian Occupation (1941-44), The Failure of Bulgaria's Macedonian Policy, The Macedonian Question during Communism (1944-89), Macedonian censuses in Bulgaria, and the Macedonian-Bulgarian language dispute. The author says that in the 1890s between 100,000 and 200,000 Macedonians emigrated to Bulgaria". That "The biggest concern of communist Bulgaria was that if there was a Macedonian language there, it would open the question of the language in Pirin Macedonia". And that at the beginning of the WW2 occupation many people in Macedonia met the Bulgarians as liberators but because of their assimilative policy they were soon seen as conquerors and that "the occupation of Macedonia, for which the Bulgarians so long dreamed, succeeded mainly in creating hostility towards them." The chapter is Here.

Greek Atrocities Committed against the Macedonian People
The book Greek Atrocities Committed against the Macedonian People by Risto Stefov is a collection of essays about some of the atrocities that were committed against the Macedonian people by Greece. Mr Stefov says "This series of articles will present evidence of atrocities perpetrated by the Greek State against the innocent Macedonian civilian populations prior to, during and after the Balkan wars. Most of the information contained in the articles is obtained from the 1913 Carnegie Inquiry and from Greek sources." The Carnegie Report was commissioned because "Entire villages were burned down to the ground. Civilians were murdered on mass. Old men, women and children were beaten, tortured and killed. Women and young girls were indiscriminately and repeatedly raped. The situation became so bad that the international community felt it necessary to send a Commission to investigate." The book is Here.

Music and ‘Re-education' in Greek Prison Camps
Music and ‘Re-education' in Greek Prison Camps: From Makronisos (1947–1955) to Giaros (1967–1968) by Anna Papaeti is a paper that "examines the policy of ‘re-education' for left-wing political prisoners in Greece during the military Junta (1967–1974) at the prison camp on the island of Giaros from 1967 to November 1968," says the author. She starts with how folk culture was used to substantiate the Colonels' ideological discourse and investigates how the music was used as a way to break political prisoners in exile. "Music from loudspeakers was part of an attempt to make detainees sign Declarations of Loyalty, renouncing their values and their comrades," she says. "The ‘re-education' programme of Giaros is examined here as a remainder of the Greek Civil-War legacy (1946–1949), and particularly of the institutionalized ‘re-education' and ‘rehabilitation' programme of the infamous prison camps on the island of Makronisos (1947–1955)." The paper uses interviews with former detainees to "underline the damaging effects of the use of music, highlighting the need to understand music's capacity to degrade, but also torture, individuals instead of uplift and ennoble the soul." The paper is Here.

Macedonia: Books, Genocide, Homeland, Villages
Macedonia: Books, Genocide, Homeland, Villages is a talk given by Pollitecon publisher Victor Bivell to the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society. The four topics: Books, Genocide, Homeland and Villages refer to four Pollitecon projects. Books is about the nearly 500 free ebooks that are now available in the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library. Genocide is about a new page on the website that provides material on the Macedonian Genocide in Greece. Homeland is about the need for more Macedonians to return to Macedonia if Macedonians want to keep the land and country. Villages is about the growing popularity of village websites and Facebook groups. The talk is Here. A video of the talk is Here.

Ne si ja davame Makedonija
Ne si ja davame Makedonija by Aldo Kliman is a collection of essays and writings about the political madness of the Zaev period in Macedonia and the changing of the Republic of Macedonia's name against the will of the Macedonian people. The issues are looked at from many angles including the roles of the EU and US as well the contradictions against the current and historical aspirations of the Macedonian people and freedom fighters. Mr Kliman is writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, translator, journalist and publisher. The book is a collection of newspaper columns, public appeals, personal reactions and selected posts from January 2019 to February 2023. The book is in Macedonian, and is Here.

Health and Health Capital: The Case of Macedonians in Australia
Health and Health Capital: The Case of Macedonians in Australia by Irene Veljanova is a carefully researched thesis with a wealth of original and historical information about the Macedonians, both in Australia and the world. Among many topics, the thesis looks at the relationship between identity and health. The author says that while academic literature explores the relations between overt ethnic violence and health, the relations between symbolic ethno-violence and health appear to have been overlooked. She says symbolic ethno-violence is covert violence directed at a people where imposed meanings on them are exerted as legitimate by concealing the power relations behind the force. This can seriously impact health attitudes and practices amongst victim ethno-cultural communities. She says "The symbolic ethno-violence perpetrated against Macedonians in Australia, i.e., the non-recognition of their ethno and civic identity, has the potential to affect community health attitudes" and health practices. The author undertook focus group sessions in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Port Kembla, and Queanbeyan plus an Australia-wide survey of ethno-Macedonians and document analyses to arrive at her findings. The thesis is Here.

Lou Vlasho - An American Son of Macedonia
Lou Vlasho - An American Son of Macedonia is the biography of the successful business leader, community and political activist and Honorary Macedonian Consul to the US. Mr Vlasho's parents were from the village of Breznica in the Lerinkso region of Aegean Macedonia. He was born in and spent most of his working life in Ohio before moving to Florida. The book is well documented with information on his extended family and village, on his many business and professional activities over his long career, and on his many community and political activities to assist Macedonia and Macedonians in the diaspora and in the Republic of Macedonia. The book is also well illustrated with many historical and beautiful photographs. The book is Here.

Velika - A Biography
Velika by Jagoda Zdraveska-Koteska is the biography of the author's mother, Velika Zdraveska nee Zlatanoska. It starts with a detailed account of her early childhood and youth in the village of Dobrushevo in the Bitola region of Macedonia, and includes a brief history of the village and its families, traditions, celebrations, beliefs, food, medicines, costumes and more. It details the life and customs of her family and the villages of the Pelagonia region of Macedonia. The there is a good account of how Velika's marriage was arranged. Velika's personal story goes from her village to her husband's village of Lopatitsa, widowhood after only five years of marriage, and then to Melbourne, Prilep and back to Melbourne. The author says her mother is an admirable spirit with endurance, cheerfulness, strong will, and the courage to look life straight in the eyes. The book is in Macedonian, and is Here.

On the Reports of the Russian and Austrian Consuls in Bitola During Ilinden
With Love Towards the Truth by George Lazarevski is a paper that presents numerous reports of the Russian and Austrian consuls in Bitola about the state of these areas before and after the Ilinden Uprising. The author says that the period was filled with stormy events that were the subject of observation by foreign consuls. While the consuls in Bitola received official reports from the valia in Bitola, these did not show the real situation of the events that took place. The Russian and Austrian consuls in their reports to their superiors presented the real situation and developments in Macedonia, and they often presented to the Bitola valia to protect the peaceful population. Their love for the truth was great, says Mr Lazarovski, and the Russian consul Rostkovsky paid for that love of truth with his life. The paper is Here. The Macedonian version is Here.

My Family's Stories
My Family's Stories by Hellen Bakarnis has been added to the Life in Aegean Macedonia section of the Pollitecon website. The article is about some of the key events in the lives of the writer's grandparents and parents. Among these, it talks about the family's experiences under the Metaxis government, during the Greek Civil War, and their migration to Australia and their new lives. It discusses how members of her family helped the partizans and were never allowed back into Greece to visit their family, the experiences of some of the men who traveled overseas to make money, how the women lived and raised their children, and how her parents built a life in Australia and contributed to the Macedonian community. The article is Here.

The Battle of Pelion 335 BC
A new brochure by Kiril Arsov is about The Battle of Pelion 335 BC. This was fought by Alexander the Great against Clytus, the son of Bardylis, who had revolted against him and seized the city of Pelion. The author says Pelion was an important western Macedonian border fortress that existed on a hill at the foot of Jablanica mountain on the western side of the Ohrid-Struga valley. The brochure contains interesting historical information about the area and many beautiful photographs. The brochure is Here.

House on the Lake
House on the Lake/ Kukja na Ezero is a novel by Dragica Najcheska that explores what can go wrong when the main character, Violeta Nikolovska, buys a small and abandoned house on the shore of Lake Ohrid. The reviewer, Dr. Georgi Stalev, says "Immediately after buying it, with her first attempts to prepare it for living and vacationing, things in her life become extremely complicated. Even in her wildest fantasy, Violeta couldn't have imagined the trauma and painful moments she would go through and how long they would last in the following years, until she finally lived in it." The novel explores selfishness, greed, bribery and bureaucratic corruption, and success through good people. The novel was translated into English by Risto Stefov. The English version is Here. The Macedonian version is Here.

More Free Ebooks
There are now 480 free ebooks in The Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library.

Macedonia Needs Macedonians

Please remember that Macedonia Needs Macedonians. The Facebook page for the Macedonia Needs Macedonians group is Here.

Two major tourism portals are Travel2Macedonia which is Here, and Macedonia - Timeless which is Here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is Here.

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Pollitecon Publications
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