
Update From Pollitecon Publications

June 2

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Many top quality new books have been added to the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library so please read to the end in case you miss a good one.

New Book From Pollitecon

The Life Story of Tanas Kirev

The Life Story of Tanas Kirev is a 90 year autobiography of a Macedonian man born in the village of Neret in Aegean Macedonia. The story starts with his family and early life in the village, and moves to key events in the Second World War and the Greek Civil War and their consequences. In search of a better life, the author migrated to Western Australia and found a full life with work, marriage, family and community. Although intended as a family record, the author is happy to share his experiences with those interested in Macedonian history and in a migration story of sanctuary, freedom and opportunity. The Life Story of Tanas Kiev is the 15th book published by Pollitecon. The free ebook is Here.

Free Ebooks

Majka My Mother's Story

Majka My Mother's Story by Helen Manou is the biography of Sofia Kolaczkos, one of the teenage Macedonian ‘mothers' who had the responsibility of looking after a group of child refugees as they fled Greece at the end of the Greek Civil War. Sofia was from the Lerinsko village of Medovo near the villages of Robi and German. The story starts with life in the village and quickly moves to the Macedonian fight for freedom and the consequences for the family. At age 18 she was asked to lead the evacuation of the children of her village. The journey led through Yugoslavia and eventually to Poland and a home with 3,000 refugee children where she looked after the children and taught them the Macedonian language. Following marriage and motherhood Sofia and her family came to Australia and settled in Adelaide, while her parents had moved to a new life in Skopje. Unlike many Macedonian child refugees, after many years Sofia was able to revisit her village. Sofia's story is told in the first person by her daughter, Helen Manou. The book is Here.

The Macedonian People's Revolutionary Struggle 1876-1912

The book The Macedonian People's Revolutionary Struggle 1876-1912 looks at the many uprisings and other events that Macedonians undertook to free themselves of Turkish domination. "The book begins with the famous 1876 Razlovtsi Uprising which took place in the village Razlovtsi, near Delchevo, and ends with events covering up to 1912. It provides a clear overview of the most important historical events, struggles and efforts made by the Macedonian people to free themselves from Ottoman slavery," says Academic Mihailo Apostolski. It also looks at efforts to gain cultural, educational and religious rights, and the devastating consequences of the Ilinden Uprising. The book is authored by three academics from the Macedonian Institute of National History, Risto Poplazarov, Krste Bitoski and Gligor Todorovski, and was translated by Risto Stefov. The ebook is Here. The Macedonian version, Nacionalno-Revolucionernite Borbi Na Makedonskiot Narod 1876-1912, is Here.

Evidence of the Existence of Macedonians Throughout the Ages

The book Evidence of the Existence of Macedonians Throughout the Ages is a collection of international historical documents and quotes that show the historical and continual existence of the Macedonians. The material starts from the ninth century and moves through to 1935. The compiler, Risto Stefov, says his intention is to expose the falsity of Greek propaganda about the origin of the modern Macedonians. He says the documents prove that "contrary to Greek claims, without a doubt that Macedonians have existed throughout the ages and continue to exist to this day", and that the book is a very small sample of the data that is available in Macedonian archives. The ebook is Here.

The Stone of Robi Now Also in Greek and English

The play, Kamenot od Robi - The Stone of Robi by Dushan Ristevski, is now also available in Greek. The monodrama is dedicated to the child refugees of Aegean Macedonia. Its central character is Pavlina Montisheva, a refugee who after many years returns to her village of Robi, but finds that her childhood home is occupied by a Greek settler. The play explores many personal as well as political themes. The play is also available in English and Macedonian versions, and the Macedonian version uses the Lerinski dialect. The Greek and English versions are Here. The Macedonian and English versions are Here.

Gjavato Chonicle

The book Gjavato Chonicle by Giorgi Dimovski and Jovan Kochankovski has been translated into English by Elizabeth Kolupacev Stewart. Located near Bitola, the village of Gjavato controlled a mountain pass and in early Ottoman times the villagers "had to keep guard of the pass against attacks from various thieves, troublemakers, those outlawed by the Ottoman rulers etc" and by doing were excused from all taxes. The book looks at Gjavato's early history, economy, church and cultural activities, and then focuses on its modern history, politics and work migration. Ms Stewart said there are not many texts about her parents village so when she found Gjavato Chonicle she thought "it would be good to translate it so that the descendants of this pechalbarsko village around the world could read about it. The focus is on the efforts against the Ottomans and then the efforts of the partisans." It ends with the liberation of the village in November 1944. The English version is Here. The Macedonian version is Here.

Flashes of Eternity

The book Odblesotsi od Vechnosta or Flashes of Eternity is the second novel by Melbourne based Nove Mladenovski, author of the science fiction novel Izmeshani Svetovi or Mixed Worlds. Izmeshani Svetovi was an allegory about the political troubles and fate of Macedonia, and Odblesoci od Vechnosta is a sequel to its story about the Empire of Ma. In this novel, the sinking of half of the land of Ma in a Great Flood illustrates the deep scars in the collective mentality of Macedonians from the over 100 year division of the Macedonian people. The book reviewer, Vasil Totsinovski, says Mladenovski is "deeply concerned for the future of Macedonia" and that "Macedonian national characteristics are readily recognisable, such as tolerance, perseverance, kind-heartedness, simplicity and naivety, which have often been abused, as well as good will, sociability, loyalty and humanity." The ebook is Here.


The novel Hatred-Deep by Dragica Najcheska is an exploration of problems that can be encountered in cross-cultural marriages, in this case a Macedonian wife and a German husband. Maria and Hellwig live in Germany with their son, but also with Hellwig's parents. Unfortunately for Maria, her mother-in-law's family has a World War II connection with Macedonia. Social, psychological, political and historical issues arise that lead to the breakup of the marriage and mental health consequences for Maria. The story leads to an understanding of the reasons for the attitude of her in-laws and a resolution about the care of her son. The English version of the book is Here. The Macedonian version, Omraza-Dlaboko, is Here.

Two Collections by Slave Katin

Two collections of articles about the Macedonians in Australia by author and journalist Slave Katin are now available as free ebooks. Avstralija Crkvi (Australia Churches) is 33 articles about the many Macedonian churches in Australia and also some of the literary and artistic organizations. Pechatot vo Avstralija is 29 articles about the many Macedonian newspapers and periodicals published in Australia, including historical ones. All of the articles in both books are well illustrated. Avstralija Crkvi is Here. Pechatot vo Avstralija is Here.

Makedonski Holokaust

The book Makedonski Holokaust by Slave Nikolovski-Katin explores the many themes and stories about the tragic modern history of Macedonia and Macedonians. These include the division of Macedonia and its consequences, the denationalization of the Macedonian people, the devastation of villages, the migration of Macedonians around the world, the child refugees, many of the deserted villages in Aegean Macedonia, and the people and places of Pirin Macedonia. The author says the book is about the Macedonian people, including those who are still oppressed and assimilated and still cannot achieve their basic human rights. The book is Here.

Ilinden vo Ljubojno i Prespa - Ilinden in Ljubojno and Prespa

The book Ilinden vo Ljubojno i Prespa - Ilinden in Ljubojno and Prespa is explores the history and a wide range of topics about the Prespa region in Macedonia and many of its villages. These include Ljubojno, Slivnitsa, Krani, Arvati, Shtrbovo, Nakolets, Brajchino and Dolno Dupeni. There are also sections on Dolna Prespa and Mala Prespa, including their history and people. The book is well illustrated with many colorful photos. The authors are Slave Nikolovski-Katin, who is from Ljubojno, and Boshko Rajchovski-Pelisterski. The book is in both English and Macedonian. The book is Here.

Life in Aegean Macedonia

In My Father's House

The article In My Father's House by Pande Kostadinovski is the account of a Macedonian child refugee from the Greek Civil War who after 38 years is able to visit his family village of Medovo near Lake Prespa in Aegean Macedonia. Among the interesting information about the village is a very personal story of the author visiting his childhood home, the memories of his family members and their fates, and his meeting with a Macedonian couple where the husband was forced to fight for the Greek Government while the wife and other villagers fought with the partizans. After leaving Poland as a child refugee, Pande Kostadinovski lived in Skopje and was a language teacher, interpreter and translator and worked in the school system and at the main Skopje library. He is the brother of Sofia Kolaczkos, the subject of the book Majka My Mother's Story written by her daughter, Helen Manou. The article is Here.

More Free Ebooks
There are over 400 free ebooks in The Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library.

Books by Other Publishers

The Diary of the Macedonian Martyr Dragan Bogdanovski

The Diary of the Macedonian Martyr Dragan Bogdanovski is a new book from the Macedonian writer and political activist who campaigned for Macedonian civil rights and founded the Movement for Liberation and Unification of Macedonia (DOOM) and the right-of-centre VMRO-DPMNE political party. Kidnapped by Yugoslav spies in Paris in 1977 he was secretly transported to Yugoslavia and sentenced to 13 years in prison. The Dairy is his account of his capture, his time in prison and his suffering at the hands of the notorious UDBA, the State Security Service of Yugoslavia. The book is published by The Overseas Committee of VMRO-DPMNE Perth and Adelaide. It is available in both English and Macedonian editions. If you would like a copy, please deposit $25 per book to BSB: 016745, Account No 395732942, and then either call or text (preferably text) 0423 237 484 or 0424 160 160 or email vmro@bigpond.net.au with your payments details, whether you want the Macedonian or English version, and your delivery address.

Prespa Agreement and its Effects on Macedonian Right to National Identity

Macedonian academic and legal campaigner Igor Janev has published the book Prespa Agreement and its Effects on Macedonian Right to National Identity: An act of ethno – genocidal termination of the national identity. The publisher, Lambert Academic Publishing, says the book is an analysis of the legal aspects of Macedonia's admission to the United Nations, that the additional conditions imposed on Macedonia for its admission were violations the UN Charter, and that they were of a discriminatory legal status. "As a consequence Macedonia was the first state admitted as the nameless sovereign subject in the United Nations. As a result of additional conditions Prespa Agreement emerged, lacking proper legal and valid identity. This treaty by its blatant limitations related to self-determination of people's own identity, including cultural identity, contain provisions that even rise to the violations of the norms related to ethnocide and cultural genocide." The book can be purchased Here.

Fourth Generation - Macedonians in Newcastle

The book Fourth Generation – Macedonians in Newcastle is now available in English. The authors, Blagoja Bozinoski and Vlado Krstevski, say the book is an important step in preserving the history of the Newcastle Macedonian community for future generations. "The book contains first hand interviews of more than 100 Macedonian Australian pioneers, many of whom have long gone. They give first hand insights in their own words into events like: Ilinden, the Balkan Wars, the pechalba experience in USA and Europe, the World Wars, the effects of communism, the Greek civil war and finally, their migration and early life in Australia" To purchase the book, contact Blagoja Bozinoski by email Here.

Stay Airbnb Home in Neret/ Polipotamos

Visiting Neret/ Polipotamos and the Lerinkso region is now easier as there is an Airbnb house in Neret available to rent. The property was developed by Perth businessman Jim Bivoltsis, who was born in the village. The original stone house has been fully renovated with modern bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. It is one of the first houses as you enter the village and is only a minute or two's walk to the centre of the village, the main church and the two tavernas. It is on the side of the hill with the river below and great forest views across to the other side of the valley. There is wi-fi and offstreet parking for two cars. There is more information Here.

Macedonia Needs Macedonians

Please remember that Macedonia Needs Macedonians. The Facebook page for the Macedonia Needs Macedonians group is Here.

Two major tourism portals are Travel2Macedonia which is Here, and Macedonia - Timeless which is Here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is Here.

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