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Many top quality new books have been added to the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library so please read to the end in case you miss a good one.

New Book From Pollitecon

My Childhood Memories - From a Shepherd to Chemical Engineer
A new book published by Pollitecon Publications is My Childhood Memories - From a Shepherd to Chemical Engineer by Manoli Germanchev (Olie Germantsis). My Childhood Memories is the story of a shepherd boy in Macedonia who enjoyed observing and trying to understand the mechanical and technical objects and events around him. When he migrated to Australia and did well in school he turned that love of mechanics into a career in engineering and teaching. His story has many insightful and comic details about the life and people in a small Macedonian village, growing up as a migrant in Melbourne, and developing a fulfilling career in engineering. Manoli's family was from the village of Neret and in 1900 his grandfather moved to the nearby village of Mala, both near the town of Lerin. My Childhood Memories - From a Shepherd to Chemical Engineer is Pollitecon Publications’ 14th Macedonian book in English. The book is available as a free PDF ebook and can also be read online. The book is Here.

My Childhood Memories Author Interview
Author Manoli Germanchev did an interview in English with Margarita Vasileva from SBS Radio about his book My Childhood Memories: From a Shepherd to a Chemical Engineer. The wide ranging interview is about his childhood in Macedonia and the self-reliance of Macedonian villagers, why and how he wrote the book, his desire to understand how things work such as the climate, machines and cars, how this lead to him to working on the development of then top secret cluster bombs, the famous 1970s Australian pop star who was the first person in Australia to really help him learn English, the teaching of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects, how his mother in traditional Macedonian dress was on the front cover of a magazine in Athens, his love for the design and construction of cars including hybrid, electric and solar cars and how he aimed to pass this enthusiasm onto his students, the self-reliance of Macedonian villagers and other topics. He concludes by affirming that he and his family are ethnic Macedonians. The interview is Here.

Free Ebooks

The Truth About Macedonia – In Greek
The book The Historical Truth About Macedonia and the Macedonians by Aleksandar Donski has been translated into Greek. This is to make available the information to Macedonians in Greece, who are not taught to read Macedonian, said Mr Donski. The book is a summary of Macedonia’s history from the ancient Macedonians through to modern times, and provides a Macedonian perspective that readers would not gain in Greece. It includes considerable discussion of the ethnic and cultural differences between the Macedonians and Greeks, and refutes many claims about Macedonia and Macedonians made by Greek propaganda. It also looks at the legacy of the ancient Macedonians in today's Macedonian culture, the anthropological connections between the ancient and present-day Macedonians, and the current human rights situation of Macedonians in the divided parts of Macedonia. The book is published by the Association of Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia “Mirka Ginova” of Stip, and the Macedonian Literary Association Grigor Prlicev of Sydney. The two Associations call on Macedonians with relatives or friends in the Aegean part of Macedonia to inform them about this book so they can download it and share it. The book is Here.

Macedonia - 100 Years Since the Versailles Peace Treaty
Makedonija - 100 Godini od Versaj is a collection of 12 papers that examine key aspects of how Macedonia has fared since the 1919 Treaty of Versailles where “the great powers and their Balkan satellites” rejected the creation of an autonomous Macedonia and instead confirmed the Bucharest Treaty’s division of Macedonia. The book is very critical of Macedonia’s recent agreements with Greece and Bulgaria. Among other topics, it discusses the Macedonian Question, the Macedonian identity, the Macedonian language, the Macedonian Orthodox Church, VMRO, Macedonian politics and Italian foreign policy, the Republic of Macedonia, and the Macedonian minority in Macedonia, migration and the de-Macedonianization of Macedonia. The book is in Macedonian but two articles are in English: the powerful introductory article “Death Of A Nation... Or Rather, Of The International Society As We Thought We Knew It” and the article “Who is “Right”? Profiling The Right Wing In Macedonia And Europe”. This is a defiant book by 12 eminent scholars about the cultural genocide of the Macedonian people by the international community. The book is Here.

104 Articles Added to Life in Aegean Macedonia
The Life in Aegean Macedonia section of the Pollitecon website has been significantly expanded with 104 articles by author Slave Nikolovski-Katin. Titled Notable People From Aegean Macedonia - Lichnosti od Egejska Makedonija, most of the articles are profiles of well-known Macedonians in Australia, Canada, USA and Europe. Among them are, from Australia: Stojan Srbinov, Petre Bozhanin, Risto Altin, Michael Veloskey, Michael Radin, Jim Thomev and Tome Miovski. From Canada: Foto Tomev, Steve Pliakes, Alex Gigeroff, Mary Kondoff, Risto Stefov, John Bitove, Lefter Manche, James Nikoloff and Michael Close. From USA: Atanas Bliznakov, Leon Sperov, Meto Koloski and Zhivko Angelushev. From Europe: Antonije Shkokliev-Doncho, Dimitar Keramichiev, Kole Manev and Petre Nakovski. There are also articles on the author’s Travels and Experiences in Aegean Macedonia. A section on Notable Macedonians from Albania, Bulgaria and Serbia includes Edmond Temelko, Vasil Stejovski, Stojko Stojkov and Dr Igor Janev. The section Friends of Macedonia and the Macedonians includes stories on: Professor Reginald de Bray, Victor Friedman, Ferid Murad, Esma Redzepova-Teodosievska and Mother Tereza. Written over many years, the collection is a unique opportunity to read about many of the well-known and or high achieving Macedonians from around the world. The articles are Here.

Four Plays By Dushan Ristevski
Four of the political plays by Macedonian Australian playwright and author Dushan Ristevski have been added to the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library. These are:

- Tga Za Jug- T’ga-Za-Jug - Longing for the South is about the Macedonian intellectuals and brothers Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinov from Struga, whose collection of folk songs and stories was published in June 1861. The play is about their struggle against the Greek Patriarchate. They were slandered by Greek Church officials, accused of working against the Ottoman Empire, and imprisoned in Istanbul where they died under mysterious circumstances. Dimitar was imprisoned on February 16, 1861. He was defamed by a Greek archbishop who accused him of being a Russian agent. Dimitar had organized a petition asking for a Macedonian bishop to be appointed and for the schools and churches in Macedonia to use the Macedonian language, not Greek. Konstantin went to Istanbul to help Dimitar but was imprisoned on August 5, 1861. They both died in 1862. The short monodrama is in both English and Macedonian versions. The book is Here.

- Chento is about Metodia Andonov Chento, the first president of the independent Republic of Macedonia. Although Chento is a national hero for his work for a free and united Macedonia, he was ousted from office by his political enemies and sentenced to eleven years in prison. The short play is set in prison where Chento delivers a monologue at a crucial time in his life. The book has English and Macedonian versions of the play. The book is Here.

- Posledniot Makedonets is set in Macedonia during the Color Revolution and is full of political and social references about these and other topical events in Macedonia. Amid these circumstances there is a murder, Macedonian characters who wander around the world looking for meaning and what it means to be Macedonian, and a love story. The play works as a drama, and also symbolically as political and social commentary on Macedonia and its people. The book is Here.

- Kamenot od Robi - The Stone of Robi is a monodrama dedicated to the child refugees of Aegean Macedonia. The play is about Pavlina Montisheva, a refugee who after many years returns to her village of Robi to find her childhood home is occupied by a Greek settler. The play explores many personal as well as political themes. The book has English and Macedonian versions of the play and the Macedonian version uses the Lerinski dialect. The book is Here.

Lifelong Noose/ Dozhivotna Jamka
Lifelong Noose is a political novel by Dragica Najcheska about the struggle of the Macedonian people in the Republic of Macedonia during Tito's rule and especially during his tiff with Stalin. The story follows a family that is accidentally caught up in the conflict around the Inform Bureau, and includes the infamous Goli Otok prison, an island in the Adriatic Sea where Macedonians were tortured by the authorities. The book was translated from Macedonian to English by Risto Stefov. The English version is Here. The Macedonian version is Here.

Destroying Ethnic Identity: Selective Persecution of Macedonians in Bulgaria
Although it was written in 1991, the Helsinki Watch report Destroying Ethnic Identity: Selective Persecution of Macedonians in Bulgaria is as relevant today as it was then. It says: "In Bulgaria, there are estimated to be more than one million citizens (out of a population of nine million) whose ancestors inhabited Macedonia. Although many continue to live in the Bulgarian Macedonian region, known as Pirin Macedonia, Bulgarians with Macedonian ties live throughout the country. The ethnic identity of these people is hotly debated. The official Bulgarian position is that individuals of Macedonian ancestry who live within Bulgaria are ethnic Bulgarians. However, a small proportion of these Bulgarian citizens – perhaps several thousand – call themselves Macedonians and say that they have a Macedonian consciousness. They claim that their number would be much higher if the government did not repress their rights. The official government position has created substantial human rights problems for them. One Macedonian explained to Helsinki Watch: "I have suffered all my life. I was in prison twice, fired from my job twelve times, not allowed to have a private home, cannot practice my profession as a teacher, and live knowing that my children have been fired from their jobs on account of my activities." Another said: "For the past 45 years, Macedonians have been assimilated." Members of two unofficial Bulgarian organizations that defend the rights of Macedonians "have experienced numerous human rights violations, including restrictions on petition gathering, inability to hold a congress, confiscation of their passports, and intimidation by State Security (the secret police). Their organizations have been denied registration by Bulgarian courts."
The Report is Here.

The Baron’s Pledge
The Baron’s Pledge by David Trajkov is an historical novel about Constantine von Belio - "The Macedonian", who arrives in Vienna as a refugee from Kostur and rises to become a great banker and baron. The story includes a wide range of famous European historical figures and less well known Macedonian figures. The publisher says the novel is about the effects of war, love and spiritual suffering, and how Constantine leaves a rich legacy including psychological reflections and life philosophies. The novel is the first part of a trilogy, and was translated into English by Risto Stefov. The book is Here.

Big Sky Macedonians - A Study of Montana's Macedonian-Americans
Big Sky Macedonians - A Study of Montana’s Macedonian-Americans by Victor Sinadinoski is about the little known story of migrant Macedonians who lived in Montana. The author says Macedonian immigration to Montana was a significant part of the Macedonian experience in the early 20th century, and the best-known description of the experience is from well-known author Stoyan Christowe who first settled in Missouri and with an uncle soon left to work on the Great Northern Railway in Montana. The book names 645 Macedonians who lived and worked Montana for a time, most of them on the railway. It also gives brief biographies of many of these. Many later returned to the Mid-west or Macedonia but some remained and there are now around 500 Americans in Montana with some portion of Macedonian ancestry. The book is part of Victor Sinadinoski’s Macedonians of America series. The book is Here.

David Nakoff - Leader of Steelton’s Macedonians and Founder of the First Macedonian-American Orthodox Church
David Nakoff was born in Veles, Macedonia in 1877 and arrived in Steelton, Pennsylvania in 1915. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church sent him as a priest of the Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Church of Steelton. At that time there was no Macedonian Church so Macedonians were part of the Bulgarian, Greek or Serbian churches. However, author Victor Sinadinoski says that “A series of dramatic events would unfold that would make Nakoff the priest of the first Macedonian-American Orthodox church, two decades before the Macedonian Orthodox Church declared its independence.” Nakoff’s story is told in Sinadinoski’s book David Nakoff - Leader of Steelton's Macedonians and Founder of the First Macedonian-American Orthodox Church. The book is part of the author’s Macedonians of America series. The book is Here.

In the Footsteps of Demetrius Vishanoff - Protestant Preacher and Macedonian Nobleman
The book In the Footsteps of Demetrius Vishanoff - Protestant Preacher and Macedonian Nobleman tells the story of a Macedonian who, in 1885 was among the first group of Macedonians to arrive in America. Author, Victor Sinadinoski, says American ignorance about modern Macedonia gave Vishanoff an opportunity to tell the story of Macedonia and the Macedonians from the point of view of a Macedonian. Vishanoff was from Salonica and from a wealthy family, giving him a different point of view to Macedonian subsistence farmers. He attended university and theological college in America and among his many skills he lectured and wrote on Macedonia and on Protestantism, to which he had converted. Sinadinoski says that “his Macedonian identity, and his view that ‘Macedonian’ was a separate and unique identity from surrounding Balkan identities, is also unquestionable. In scores of newspaper announcements, he talked only about Macedonia, the Macedonian language, and Macedonian traditions and customs.” The book is Here.

George Pirinsky - The Voice of Macedonian Progressives in America
Political activist George Pirinsky was born George Nikolov Zajkov and when he went to America took the Pirinsky surname in honor of the mountainous region, Pirin Macedonia, where he was born. His story is told in the book George Pirinsky - The Voice of Macedonian Progressives in America by Victor Sinadinoski. In America, Pirinsky was the editor of Macedonian newspapers in Michigan and spearheaded the Macedonian-American People’s League (MPL), he was “the face of the American Slav Congress (ASC) and a champion for labor and socialist causes”. Sinadinoski says Pirinsky relentlessly advocated for progressive ideals, was unquestionably loyal to the labor movement, was a tireless activist who organized people, spoke at rallies and wrote articles, pamphlets and books. But the leadership of the Macedonian Political Organization (MPO) labeled him a traitor to the right-wing Macedonian cause, and “In Washington, D.C., he was branded as a Communist enemy who had allied with Moscow to circumvent capitalism in the United States.” The book is part of the author's Macedonians of America series. The book is Here.

50 Forgotten Macedonian Folk Songs
Author Victor Sinadinoski has published 50 Forgotten Macedonian Folk Songs, a collection of 50 songs with old lyrics, new melodies and English translations. Most of the songs were collected and published by Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinov over 160 years ago. However, Mr Sinadinoski says the brothers did not notate the songs’ melodies so many of the melodies were lost or never gained fame in the Macedonian folk music scene. As Macedonians remember history predominately through folk music, the songs’ historical and cultural significance were at risk of fading away without musical interpretations. So he composed melodies for the 50 old songs. The melodies are in a traditional or modern Macedonian folk style, but with some subtle elements from other musical styles and genres. The free ebook is Here. A paperback version can be bought Here.

Five Books by Savo Kostadinovski
Five books by Savo Kostadinovski have been added to the Free Ebooks Library. These are:

- Se od Ljubov - Za Poreche I Porechani has a 90 page essay about the Poreche region, the village Gorno Botuse and Makedonski Brod in western Macedonia. The discussion includes the region’s geography, history, culture and people, and there are numerous photographs. The book is Here.


- Savo Kostadinovski is one of Macedonia’s most famous and prolific poets, writers and children’s authors, having published over 150 books. Pojasnuvanja is a collection of over 50 articles, prefaces, reviews of his books and his reviews of works by other authors. The collection provides a portrait of the author’ work, themes, and some elements of biography. The book is Here.

- Trite Veka: The critic Nove Tsvetanoski said the novel Trite Veka (The Three Centuries) is Kostadinoski’s first adult prose work and can be considered his best literary achievement. The story is based on the experiences of three generations of migrant workers from one family on three continents including America and Australia. The full story covers three centuries. Tsvetanoski says its themes include melancholy, nostalgia, love, destiny, and patriotism. The book is described as a novel-chronicle as the author says the events and characters are true. The historical background includes the division of Macedonia and the exodus of Macedonians around the world. The book is Here.

- Roden Kraj So Srtse and Bisera i Filip are two children’s books. The two books are in both Macedonian and German. Roden Kraj So Srtse is Here. Bisera i Filip is Here.

Makedontsite vo Svetot
The book Makedontsite vo Svetot by Slave Nikolovski-Katin is a detailed look at the Macedonians around the world, with a focus on church communities, media and associations. Among less well-explored communities are the Macedonians in Eastern Europe, Turkey and Israel, as well as discussion of the Macedonians in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and the neighbouring countries of Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and Serbia. With 522 pages, Makedontsite vo Svetot is a well-researched and very informative book. The ebook is Here.

Literature of Fact in Petre Nakovski’s Novels
Literature of Fact in Petre Nakovski's Novels by Tatjana Pelivanova discusses the representation of historically authentic events in the novels of Petre Nakovski. The novels are about the Macedonian minority in Greece and its experience during the Greek Civil War. Ms Pelivanova says that one of the aims of her paper is to emphasize Nakovski’s literary value as the novels reveal the tragic fate of those who suffered during the Greek Civil War, their resilience while facing suffering and death, and their trust, faith, heroism and hope. She also asks the question of whether the traumas ended for the Macedonian people who experienced the exodus? The novels are Postela za Chemernite (A Bed for the Wretched), I Kamenot e Zemia (A Stone too is Soil), Golemata Udolnitsa (The Great Decline), Golemata Izmama (The Great Lie), and Na Pat so Vremeto (On the road of Time). The book was translated from the Macedonian by Risto Stefov. The English version is Here. The Macedonian version is Here.

The Story of Trajan Belev – Goce
Trajan Belev – Goce is the subject and title of the book by Gjorgi Dimovski-Colev about the Macedonian revolutionary. The Belevi family were from the village of Gjavato near Bitola and Trajan was a young child during the Ilinden Uprising when the village was bombed by the Turks. As a young man he was deported from the USA for communist activities. He returned to Gjavato, re-established his family and became politically active. But his activities around the occupation of Macedonia and with the Communist Party of Yugoslavia led to him being noticed by the Serbian authorities and he was often jailed in the lead-up to elections. He later became an illegal as he evaded police capture, and then a partisan in Aegean Macedonia. He died in Yugoslavia in 1943 defending the liberated part of Macedonia against the Germans and the Albanian ballisti. The book is part of the “Unforgotten” series by the Municipal Council of the Union of the Fighters of the NOB – Bitola to commemorate famous people and events from the recent revolutionary past of Bitola. The book was translated into English by Elizabeth Kolupacev Stewart, and is Here.

Balkan Wars Between The Lines - Violence and Civilians in Macedonia - 1912-1918
The idea that the Balkans is more violent than other parts of the world is challenged in the PhD thesis Balkan Wars Between The Lines - Violence and Civilians in Macedonia -1912-1918 by Stefan Sotiris Papaioannou. The author does this by examining how the inhabitants of Macedonia endured the Balkan Wars and the First World War. He concludes “that members of this majority-Orthodox Christian civilian population were not inclined to perpetrate wartime violence against one another. Though they often identified with rival national camps, inhabitants of Macedonia were typically willing neither to kill their neighbors nor to die over those differences. They preferred to pursue priorities they considered more important, including economic advancement, education, and security of their properties.” He says “National armies from Balkan countries then adjacent to geographic Macedonia (Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia) and their associated paramilitary forces were instead the perpetrators of violence against civilians. In these violent activities they were joined by armies from Western and Central Europe during the First World War.” He says that “Contemporary and retrospective accounts give qualitative evidence that noncombatant men, women, and children in Macedonia were the victims of murder, torture, arson, plunder, rape, deportation, and forced labor on a large scale... Although overall figures for civilian deaths in geographic Macedonia are not available for the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, the profusion of descriptive accounts suggests that they too were significant.” The paper is Here.

The Modern History of Aegean Macedonia
The book Del od Istorijata na Egejska Makedonija (Part of the History of Aegean Macedonia) is a collection of 23 articles by authors Risto Stefov and Slave Katin. The articles are excerpts of Stefov’s book Istorija Na Makedonskiot Narod od Antichki Vreminja do Denes (History of the Macedonian People from Ancient Times to Today). The 23 articles are colourfully illustrated and published by Slave Katin. The articles cover modern history starting with the Balkan Wars and cover all major historical events including the World Wars, the Metaxis Dictatorship, the Greek Civil War, the partizans, the Child Refugees and the exodus from Aegean Macedonia. There is also much discussion about what this period means for the Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia and for all Macedonians. The book is Here.

The Dihovo Dialect
An analysis of the dialect of the village Dihovo near Bitola is the subject of the book A Structural Description of the Macedonian Dialect of Dihovo by BM Groen. The author says the dialects of Bitola belong to the Central-Macedonian group, but that at the time he wrote the book in 1977 there was, surprisingly, no linguistic literature about the Bitola region. At that time Dihovo contained about 140 houses and the 750 people were 100 per cent Macedonian and monolingual. The book is Here.

More Free Ebooks
There are over 350 free ebooks in The Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library.

Books by Other Publishers

Pechalba Down Under
A huge number of Macedonian migrants to Australia are mentioned in the new book Pechalba Down Under: Macedonians in Australia by Melbourne author Nick Anastasovski. Nick is an excellent researcher and writer. For the book he consulted a huge number of organizations, newspapers and other sources, and did 55 interviews. The Macedonians came from hundreds of villages seeking work and a better life. The book is full of their stories, anecdotes and photographs from all parts of Australia. It discusses many key social organizations and events, work patterns and places, family reunions and community leaders. Nick’s first book was the very successful The Contest for Macedonian Identity 1870-1921. The new book is a worthy follow-up. It is a handsome hardcover edition and can be purchased Here.

REN-SHEN Half Spirit
Chris Milanko of Adelaide has authored a fantasy novel titled REN-SHEN Half Spirit, which is about a young man of Macedonian ancestry who ends up becoming a God. The hero, Steve Nedelkin, undertakes a journey into the supernatural world, and after a series of tragic events at a martial-arts fighting tournament, he begins to learn the truth of his ancestral ties. The author says the book will be a series of novels and has been very well received so far. An extract is available on the website: www.ren-shen.com. The book is available on Amazon in Australia Here and internationally Here.

Defining the Macedonians: Western Perspectives on the Macedonian Identity
A new book by Victor Sinadinoski, Defining the Macedonians: Western Perspectives on the Macedonian Identity in the Early 20th Century, looks at the effects of the propaganda campaigns by Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia that used priests, teachers, and armed bands to convince the Macedonians that they were really Bulgarian, Greek or Serbian. Sinadinoski says that when Westerners arrived, they encountered a people who had been subjected to propaganda and abuse, and they struggled to understand why and how the Macedonians were being defined and labeled in certain ways. The Westerners tried to paint a picture of the Macedonian situation and many published books about their experiences and observations which usually differed from the narratives by Macedonia's neighbours. Sinadinoski explores these Western books and demonstrates that the vast majority of impartial and objective visitors to Macedonia considered the Macedonians to be a separate people. The book is available in paperback and Kindle versions Here.

Stay Airbnb Home in Neret/ Polipotamos

Visiting Neret/ Polipotamos and the Lerinkso region is now easier as there is an Airbnb house in Neret available to rent. The property was developed by Perth businessman Jim Bivoltsis, who was born in the village. The original stone house has been fully renovated with modern bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. It is one of the first houses as you enter the village and is only a minute or two's walk to the centre of the village, the main church and the two tavernas. It is on the side of the hill with the river below and great forest views across to the other side of the valley. There is wi-fi and offstreet parking for two cars. There is more information Here.

Macedonia Needs Macedonians

Please remember that Macedonia Needs Macedonians. The Facebook page for the Macedonia Needs Macedonians group is Here.

Two major tourism portals are Travel2Macedonia which is Here, and Macedonia - Timeless which is Here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is Here.

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