
Update From Pollitecon Publications


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Below are some of the numerous additions to the Pollitecon website over the past few months.

Treaties and Legal Cases

Macedonia's Name at the UN
Legal Aspects of the Use of a Provisional Name for Macedonia in the United Nations System is a paper by professor Igor Janev that examines Macedonia's unorthodox admission to the United Nations in 1993. This required that Macedonia be "provisionally referred to for all purposes within the United Nations as 'the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia' pending settlement of the difference that has arisen over the name of the State." The paper examines the nature and legal basis of these requirements with regard to the conditions of the UN Charter for the admission of states to the organization. The paper is Here.

Free Ebooks
There are many new books in Pollitecon’s Free Ebooks Library.

The Terror in Aegean Macedonia Under Greek Occupation
The booklet The Terror in Aegean Macedonia Under Greek Occupation was published in 1980 but remains a good summary of the Greek Government's policies of ethnic cleansing and political repression of Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia. The booklet begins with an essay by historian Hristo Andonovski on The Ancient Macedonians and Alexander the Great. It then moves to the modern day partition of Macedonia and looks at population movements between 1912 and 1971 that were designed to change the ethnic composition of Aegean Macedonia. Among these it discusses the large numbers of Macedonians who were moved or moved to Bulgaria and Turkey, and migration during and after the Greek Civil War. The booklet was published by the Macedonian Cultural and Educational Society for Australia. The booklet is Here.

The Macedonians in Greece
Makedontsite co Grtsija by Donche Tasev is an overview of the key events that affected Macedonians in Greece from the terrorism of the "Greek Macedonian Struggle" after Ilinden to their present day situation. These include the international agreements - the Treaty of Neuilly, the Treaty of Sevres, and the Kalfov-Politis Protocol that helped change the population mix in Aegean Macedonia and made Macedonians a minority in their own country. There is also a discussion of genocide in international law and the way the Greek Government treated the Macedonians. The book concludes with a discussion of current major human rights issues and reports. The book is Here.

The Importance of Being Macedonian: Origins and Consequences of the "Name Issue"
The Importance of Being Macedonian: Origins and Consequences of the "Name Issue" between Greece and Macedonia is a 2017 PhD thesis by Vera Lalchevska. This is a detailed study that explores many angles to the issue. She says: "Through my analysis, I came to the conclusion that yes, indeed, the Greek position is ultimately about altering not only the name of the Republic of Macedonia, but about changing the ethnic identity, the national identity, and the language of the Macedonian people worldwide. This, if I may say, is quite a big international project, and the fact that it involves the European Union and the United Nations among the key players, should ring an alarm bell." The book is Here.

Macedonians in America: Their Lives and Struggles During the 20th Century
Macedonians in America: Their Lives and Struggles during the 20th Century by Victor Sinadinoski is the story of the Macedonian immigrants who journeyed from the war-torn and impoverished Balkans to find freedom and fortune in the United States. It includes well-known names like Vermont's Stoyan Christowe and Michigan's Mike Ilitch as well as missionaries, coal miners, track builders and bakery owners. The publisher says the book both educates and entertains, and inspires admiration for the sacrifices that the Macedonians made to better their lives in America while remaining committed to their Macedonian identity and homeland. The book is Here.

Makedonija Mojata Potpora
The book Makedonija Mojata Potpora (Macedonia My Anchor) is the three part biography of Krum Monev, a Macedonian born in Pirin Macedonia who spent a total of 16 years in prisons in Socialist Bulgaria for his political activism. At one stage he crossed the border to Yugoslavia but was returned to Bulgaria and more prison. Although prison life was cruel and at times torturous, Monev's biography has been praised for its clarity, characters, the beautiful descriptions of Pirin Macedonia, the depictions of chauvinism in Bulgaria, and his enthusiasm for the Macedonian cause. Volume 1 is Here. Volume 2 is Here. Volume 3 is Here. The Introductions to the books, in English, are Here. Monev's son Ivan is raising funds to have the books translated into English. More information is Here.

No Rights for the Macedonians in Bulgaria
The 2017 Annual Report on the Human Rights Situation of the Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria says the situation is the same as 2016 and in some respects worse, despite 2017 being the tenth year since Bulgaria became a member of the European Union. The report covers: Denial of the Existence of a Macedonian Minority, Nation and Identity; Hate Speech; Violation of the Right of Association; Organized Harassment; Absence of Legal Protection; Refusal of the Authorities to Engage in Dialogue; and Conclusion and Recommendations. The report is by the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights "Tolerantnost" with the support of OMO "Ilinden"-PIRIN and the newspaper "Narodna Volya". The report it Here.

The Ethnic Minorities in Greece
The Ethnic Minorities in Greece by Turkkaya Ataov is a 1990 paper presented at a seminar on Human Rights and the Cyprus Question. While its main focus are the Turks in Greece, it also discusses the Macedonians and other minorities. It says "Greece incorrectly claims to be a country exclusively inhabited by Greeks. Just before the Balkan Wars, even only in Aegean Macedonia and Western Thrace, there were, not only Greeks, but also Macedonians, Moslem Turks, Moslem Pomaks, Christian Turks (the Gagauz), Moslem Cherkez (or Circassians), Moslem Albanians, Christian Albanians, Vlachs (Aromanis), Moslem Vlachs, Jews, Armenians, the Roma people (gypsies), and others." The report says "The record of the Greek treatment of its own minorities in mainland Greece as well as the Turkish Cypriots is as black as the pre-1974 "Black Colonels. The Greeks are terribly unfair towards the Macedonians, the Turks of Western Thrace and several other minorities" The paper is Here.

Interview with Risto Stefov Part 3
Analysis of Historical Events in Greek Occupied Macedonia Part 3 is the third interview with author Risto Stefov about the Aegean Part of Macedonia. It covers Risto's family starting with his grandfather, Risto, a well traveled pechalbar who between 1920 to 1922 was drafted into the Greek army and in 1948 was drafted by the Partisans to build bunkers. It also includes his father Nikola who spent nearly five years in Greek island prison camps. Risto also talks about why he turned to Macedonian books and how lucky he is to have learned to speak and read Macedonian. The book is Here.

Macedonia - What went wrong in the last 200 years?
Macedonia - What went wrong in the last 200 years? is a collection of articles by Canadian-Macedonian author Risto Stefov. The articles cover the periods: 1800 - 1878, 1878 - 1903, Before 1903, The 1903 Ilinden Aftermath, 1908 - 1913, 1912- 1939, 1939- 1949 WWII & the Greek Civil War, The Plight of the Macedonian Refugee Children, and there is a conclusion where Mr Stefov's offers his view of what went wrong for Macedonia in the last 200 years. The book is Here.

Our Macedonian Agenda
Our Macedonian Agenda - The Platform of the League of Macedonian-Americans by Victor Sinadinoski is an outline of Macedonia's key political issues and the strategy of the League of Macedonian-Americans (LOMA) to help solve them. Mr Sinadinoski discusses why he is his committed to the Macedonian cause, 10 key international and national political and social issues that need solutions, plus LOMA's mission and key values and principles, and its plans for community development. The book is Here.

Books by Other Publishers

From Communism to Democracy
Well known expatriate Macedonian-Australian author Janko Tomov has written his autobiography titled From Communism to Democracy: My Childhood and Teenage Years in Yugoslavia-Macedonia. Janko's father, Ivan, was born in 1888 and was a courier in the Ilinden Uprising and a soldier in the Balkan Wars and First World War. Janko qualified as a teacher of physical and health education and as a sports and athletics trainer. While living in Yugoslavia he was imprisoned for believing that communism was an unjust system. He came to Australia in 1970 and has been active in Macedonian and diaspora affairs. He has authored numerous books on sport and human rights, among them Ancient History of Macedonia and the Balkans According to Western Authors. For more information about his books including his autobiography, please email Janko Here.

The Macedonian Mosaic
The Macedonian Mosaic: Pieces of Insight from the Pre-Crisis Years is an ebook on recent political developments in Macedonia. The author, Chris Deliso, lives in Macedonia and is the director of the www.balkanalysis.com web site. The book is a chronological compilation of analyses, interviews and reports - many not previously available to the public - on the events and trends that shaped Macedonia between 2009 to 2014 and led to the 2015 political crisis, early national elections and the fall of the Gruevski government. It aims to show how the Western diplomatic obsession with resolving the name issue with Greece influenced political events and preferences; why the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party became estranged from the Western powers while it retained the electoral support of the majority of Macedonians; how the opposition SDSM party's failure to transform itself following electoral defeats created the conditions by which non-government organizations and civil society organizations funded by foreign governments and foundations could take it over; and how the Gruevski government's pro-investment policy affected its choice of priorities and orientation towards partners like Qatar, Russia, China, Britain, Germany, Italy and the US. The book also discusses illegal migration, paramilitary and terrorism plots, Islamic extremist movements, foreign intelligence penetration and organized crime, and the still-unresolved mystery of foreign intelligence networks active in Macedonia during the period. The ebook is Here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is Here.

Discount for Complete Set of Books
A reminder that a complete set of 12 Macedonian books published by Pollitecon can be purchased at a discount of free postage in Australia and reduced airmail postage overseas. See Here.

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Pollitecon Publications
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