
Update From Pollitecon Publications


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This is Part 2 of the many new books that have recently been added to the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library. So please read to the end in case you miss a good one for you.

Free Ebooks

30 Editions of the Macedonian Human Rights Review
All 30 editions of the Macedonian Human Rights Review (MHR Review) are now available in the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library. The MHR Review was founded by the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) and as it grew most editions were published jointly by the AMHRC and the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International. The Review was published from December 2009 to July 2018. Former president of the AMHRC and MHR Review editor, George Vlahov, said the 30 editions document all of the AMHRC's achievements and activities from 2009 to 2018. The Reviews contains many hundreds of human rights related articles by a wide range of Australian and international writers, activists and academics. They record, analyze and comment on politics and policies, court cases, reports and publications, demonstrations, and other key human rights events in Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Australia and other places and by organizations including the UN and EU. The 30 editions are Here.

Macedonia 2013 - 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest
The book Macedonia 2013 - 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest is now available in the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library. The book was edited by Dr Natasha Garrett and published by the United Macedonia Diaspora to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Balkan Wars and the genocidal conquest and division of Macedonia by Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia. The 488 page book is a collection of 32 papers by academics and writers from Macedonia, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Serbia and Romania. The papers cover the Balkan Wars including event analyses and war tactics; the Treaty of Bucharest and its repercussions and effects in contemporary politics; and contemporary society and government in the Republic of Macedonia. Among the papers are: The National, Cultural and Physical Genocide Against the Macedonians (1913 – 2013), Macedonia and the Macedonians in the Balkan Wars, The Impact of the Balkan Wars on the Territory and Population in Macedonia, New Perspectives on Ilinden Based on Greek and Turkish Archival Sources, The 1913 Bucharest Peace Treaty and Genocidal Policies Towards the Macedonian Nation, and Minority Rights in the Republic of Macedonia and the Rights of the Macedonian Minorities in the Neighboring Countries, among many more papers. The book is Here.

Defining the Macedonians: Western Perspectives on the Macedonian Identity
A new book by Victor Sinadinoski, Defining the Macedonians: Western Perspectives on the Macedonian Identity in the Early 20th Century, is also available as a free ebook. The book looks at the effects of the propaganda campaigns by Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia that used priests, teachers, and armed bands to convince the Macedonians that they were really Bulgarian, Greek or Serbian. Sinadinoski says that when Westerners arrived, they encountered a people who had been subjected to propaganda and abuse, and they struggled to understand why and how the Macedonians were being defined and labeled in certain ways. The Westerners tried to paint a picture of the Macedonian situation and many published books about their experiences and observations which usually differed from the narratives by Macedonia's neighbours. Sinadinoski explores these Western books and demonstrates that the vast majority of impartial and objective visitors to Macedonia considered the Macedonians to be a separate people. The Free ebook is Here. The paperback and Kindle versions are Here.

Macedonia 70 Years After the Greek Civil War
In 2020 the Institute of National History in Macedonia published a collection of papers to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the ending of the Greek Civil War, and this is now available in the Pollitecon Free Ebooks Library. Glasnik: Makedonija: Istorija, Jazik, Kultura - 70 Godini od Zavrshuvanjeto na Gragjanskata Vojna vo Grcija (1949-2019)/ Messenger - Macedonia: History, Language, Culture - 70 Years After the End of the Civil War in Greece (1949-2019) has 10 papers that explore this theme. While most of the papers are in Macedonian, the abstracts are also in English, which is useful to alert readers to articles of interest. One paper that is completely in English is Macedonian Women: the Struggles of the Greek Civil War and 70 Years of Its Ending by Macedonian-Australian Stefani Taskova Miteva. The paper discusses the different roles of Macedonian women in the Civil War and the very difficult issue of sexual violence against Macedonian women by Greek soldiers. She agrees with the academic Riki Van Boeschoten that "we will most likely ‘never know how many women were raped during the Greek Civil War'." The author says one of her aims is to give Macedonian women a nuanced platform for their voice. Glasnik is Here.

The First Macedonian Colony - The Untold History of the Macedonian Settlement in Granite City
In his book The First Macedonian Colony - The Untold History of the Macedonian Settlement in Granite City, author Victor Sinadinoski tells the story of the Macedonians who settled in Granite City, which is now part of greater St Louis, Illinois. For a time Granite City was called the Macedonian capital of America. One of the first Macedonian settlers was Christ N. Gitcho, who was born in Smrdesh near Kostur in 1877, arrived in America in 1902, and arrived in St. Louis around 1903. Factories were opening fast and "By the summer of 1907, several thousand Macedonians were employed at these factories in Granite City." The Macedonians attracted one of leaders of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO), Boris Sarafov. The number of Macedonians continued to grow and the book covers many interesting characters, political and business stories, intrigues and other aspects of the Granite City Macedonians including clashes with Bulgarians and Greeks. Sinadinoski says "The first Macedonian colony in America no longer exists, but... the Macedonian's spirit flourishes in America because of the efforts and contributions of Granite City's original Macedonians." The book is Here. It can be purchased Here.

The Uncomfortable Truth about the Macedonian Political Organization
Author Victor Sinadinoski says "The Macedonian Political Organization (MPO) (presently known as the Macedonian Patriotic Organization) is perhaps one of the most controversial Macedonian Diaspora organizations. On one hand, its official stance has always been the realization of a ‘Macedonia for the Macedonians'; its members and followers promote the Macedonian culture; and they call themselves Macedonians. On the other hand, the MPO leadership has often negated the existence of ethnic Macedonians and a Macedonian language." Sinadinoski explores this conundrum in his book The Uncomfortable Truth about the Macedonian Political Organization. He says "most regular MPO members and function attendees knew little or nothing about its leadership's ties to fascist Bulgaria. They were repeatedly informed that the MPO was working for Macedonia's independence and against other forces (such as Communists and the Serbian and Greek governments) that sought to keep Macedonia divided." He says the book "examines how the MPO walked the line between being ‘pro-Bulgarian' and ‘pro-Macedonia'. The ebook is Here. The book can be purchased Here.

Macedonians as Indigenous Peoples
A United Macedonian Diaspora Submission to the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples puts the case why Ethnic Macedonians are Indigenous Peoples and should have their right to self-determination protected. The submission is about Self-Determination under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and discusses Ethnic Macedonians as Indigenous People and the Right to Self-Determination. The Submission looks at the modern interpretation of the term indigenous and says Macedonians fulfil these as "Ethnic Macedonians have a historical continuity and strong ties over the territory of Macedonia for an extended period of centuries, by virtue of their: occupation of their ancestral lands; common language and culture; common ancestry, traditions and religion; and determination to preserve and maintain their ancestral lands and ethnic identity. It says indigenous Macedonian minorities in the Balkan should be protected by the UN Declaration in asserting their rights to self-determination. It is not the task of the modern states like Greece or Bulgaria to define Macedonians as being members of their mainstream populations, "but rather to recognize those individuals and groups that self-identify as Macedonians, and to take proactive government measures to protect their rights under UN declarations." The authors of the report are Marija Anevska, Lauren Graves, Nick Ligosh, Catherine Stallsmith, and Vera Sekulovska. The Submission is Here.

Anarchy in Macedonia - Life under the Ottomans, 1878-1912
The period of the Macedonian national resurgence that began in meaningful form in the 1870s was extraordinarily burdensome and grueling, and "These last four decades of Turkish rule in Macedonia can likely be categorized as the bloodiest and most chaotic years of Macedonia's existence," says Victor Sinadinoski in his book Anarchy in Macedonia - Life under the Ottomans, 1878-1912. The book looks this period in detail under the headings The Burden of Taxes, Systems of Injustice and Corruption, The Crimes of the Turkish Army and Bashibazouks, Brigands and Bandits, and Macedonia's Neighbors' Deadly Designs. "Unfortunately for the Macedonians, even after the Turks were evicted as their landlords and executioners, the ideals of liberty, justice, dignity and equality remained distant and inaccessible," says Sinadinoski in this extensively researched work. The ebook is Here. The book can be purchased Here.

The Macedonian Resurrection - The Story of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
Author Victor Sinadinoski says "the Macedonian liberation movement is filled with a bottomless trove of characters that make for a fascinating tale" and many of these are explored in his book The Macedonian Resurrection - The Story of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization. He does this under the chapter headings Welcome to Macedonia, IMRO: For the People, By the People, The Intrusion of SMAC [Supreme Macedonian-Adrianople Committee], Financing the Revolution, 1903: They Year of the Uprising, Macedonia Between Left and Right, Aleksandrov and a Divided Macedonia, and Mihajlov's Reign and IMRO's Demise. The book tells the story of the struggle for Macedonian independence through its revolutionaries and their characters, plots and intrigues. It also looks at the pre-IMRO revolutionaries and pre-Ilinden uprisings. The ebook is Here. The book can be purchased Here.

Eliminating the Discrimination Against the Macedonian Minorities in Albania, Bulgaria and Greece
The United Macedonian Diaspora's response to the United Nation's call for a report on the implementation of its 2019 resolution to ensure the realization of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities is now in the Pollitecon Free Elibrary. The response is titled Eliminating ethnic, linguistic, and religious discrimination of the Macedonian minority in Albania, Bulgaria, and Greece to ensure the successful implementation of UN Resolution A/RES/74/165. It looks at Macedonians as an Ethnic Minority, Macedonians as a Linguistic Minority, Macedonians as a Religious Minority, and makes six key recommendations to uphold their self-determination. "This report ultimately contends that the UN Declaration serves to protect all human and minority rights, it should thus not be any different for Macedonian minorities in Greece and Bulgaria," it says. The report was written by Catherine Stallsmith, Lauren Graves, Nick Ligosh, Mary Outow, Stefani Taskova Miteva, and Vera Sekulovska. The report is Here.

Council of Europe Report on Human Rights in Greece
The Report by Thomas Hammarberg, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, following his visit to Greece in December 2008 is now in the Pollitecon Free Elibrary. The Commissioner reviewed the human rights of minorities in Greece, and commented on many issues including those of the Macedonians. He wrote "The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), having noted that ‘representatives of the Macedonian community have asked the authorities to recognize their right to self-identification, as well as the existence of a Macedonian national minority', inter alia, encouraged the authorities ‘to take further steps toward the recognition of the freedom of association and expression of members of the Macedonian and Turkish communities' in Greece." However, to this and other comments about the Macedonians, the Greek authorities responded under the heading "Claims on the existence of a so-called "Macedonian" minority in Greece" and said "There is no ‘Macedonian' minority in Greece. In this regard, Greece reiterates its position, that any recommendation by UN treaty bodies and, a fortiori, by other monitoring mechanisms, on the protection of rights of persons claiming to belong to a "minority" cannot determine the existence of a minority group or impose on States an obligation to officially recognize a group as a "minority"." The report is Here.

Law Library of Congress on the Status of Minorities in Greece
A 2012 Executive Summary titled Law Library of Congress: Greece - Status of Minorities has been added to the Treaties and Legal Cases section of the Pollitecon web site. In regard to the 'Macedonian Minority', it says "Minorities exist as a matter of fact and not of law. This principle was first established by the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), the predecessor to the International Court of Justice and upheld in subsequent court decisions, including those of the ECHR. Greece vehemently denies that a distinct ethnic or linguistic minority exists within its borders by the name "Macedonian." However, Greece does recognize an individual's right to self-identification. Recognition of a "Macedonian minority" entails complex political ramifications and Greece has refused to do so, citing public security and public order. The applicants in the case of Sidiropoulos and Others v. Greece, who established an association called the Home of Macedonian Civilization, instituted legal proceedings before the ECHR arguing for their right to self-identify as a "Macedonian minority" and their right to form associations. The ECHR held that the aims of the association to maintain its culture and traditions "were perfectly clear and legitimate." It also dismissed Greece's arguments and concluded that Greece violated the group's right of association under article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Another case involved Ouranio Toxo (Rainbow), a political party that resorted to the ECHR alleging a violation of the right to association. The ECHR ruled infavor of Ouranio Toxo." The Summary also says that United Nations and Council of Europe bodies "have issued reports on the situation of minorities in Greece, and have called on Greece to cease its restrictive interpretation of the Treaty of Lausanne and to align its policy with contemporary international and regional human rights treaties." The Executive Summary is Here.

Destroying Ethnic Identity: Selective Persecution of Macedonians in Bulgaria
Although it was written in 1991, the Helsinki Watch report Destroying Ethnic Identity: Selective Persecution of Macedonians in Bulgaria is as relevant today as it was then. It says: "In Bulgaria, there are estimated to be more than one million citizens (out of a population of nine million) whose ancestors inhabited Macedonia. Although many continue to live in the Bulgarian Macedonian region, known as Pirin Macedonia, Bulgarians with Macedonian ties live throughout the country. The ethnic identity of these people is hotly debated. The official Bulgarian position is that individuals of Macedonian ancestry who live within Bulgaria are ethnic Bulgarians. However, a small proportion of these Bulgarian citizens – perhaps several thousand – call themselves Macedonians and say that they have a Macedonian consciousness. They claim that their number would be much higher if the government did not repress their rights. The official government position has created substantial human rights problems for them. One Macedonian explained to Helsinki Watch: "I have suffered all my life. I was in prison twice, fired from my job twelve times, not allowed to have a private home, cannot practice my profession as a teacher, and live knowing that my children have been fired from their jobs on account of my activities." Another said: "For the past 45 years, Macedonians have been assimilated." Members of two unofficial Bulgarian organizations that defend the rights of Macedonians "have experienced numerous human rights violations, including restrictions on petition gathering, inability to hold a congress, confiscation of their passports, and intimidation by State Security (the secret police). Their organizations have been denied registration by Bulgarian courts." The Report is Here.

Human Rights Abuses Against Macedonians in Greece
Human Rights Abuses Against Macedonians in Greece in a 20 page report by the Aegean Macedonian Association of Australia. The report discusses: - Amnesty International Report- Greece: Violations Of The Right To Freedom Of Expression - Summons For The Arrest Of Hristos Sideropoulos and Tasos Boulis - Amnesty International Report- Violations Of The Right To Freedom Of Expression: Further Cases Of Concern - Statement By Archimandrite Nikodemos Tsarknias - Summons For Archimandrite Nikodemos Tsarknias and Photios Tzelepis - Translation of a newspaper article containing a "Top Secret" Information Bulletin Of The Greek Secret Service - Justice For The Child Refugees - A classified report from the Office of Security in Salonika, Service for National Security, Greek Ministry of Public Order - Manifest For Macedonian Human Rights Although the Report was published in 1993, it is still very relevant today. The report is Here.

Books by Other Publishers

Macedonia and its Many Questions
The book Macedonia and its Questions: Origins, Margins, Ruptures and Continuity is a collection of 11 academic papers by leading scholars and is edited by Victor Friedman, Goran Janev and George Vlahov. The papers cover linguistics, political science, sociology, history and law. The book challenges the idea that some nations and ethnicities in some way constitute a "question" while others do not. In reviewing the book, Christina Kramer from the University of Toronto says "the papers push back against the notion of the Macedonian question, and instead posit a wide range of questions that assume the legitimacy of Macedonia, its language, and its history. By reframing the debate, the authors provide insight into contemporary and historical issues recentred on the Macedonians themselves." The authors are Grace Fielder, Dimitar Ljorovski Vamvakovski and Donche Tasev, Victor Friedman, Jim Hlavac, Akis Gavrilidis, Andrew Rossos, Katerina Kolozova, Stojko Stojkov, George Vasilev, Vasko Nastevski and George Vlahov. The 378 page book is published by Peter Lang of Berlin and is available Here.

Stay Airbnb Home in Neret/ Polipotamos

Visiting Neret/ Polipotamos and the Lerinkso region is now easier as there is an Airbnb house in Neret available to rent. The property was developed by Perth businessman Jim Bivoltsis, who was born in the village. The original stone house has been fully renovated with modern bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. It is one of the first houses as you enter the village and is only a minute or two's walk to the centre of the village, the main church and the two tavernas. It is on the side of the hill with the river below and great forest views across to the other side of the valley. There is wi-fi and offstreet parking for two cars. There is more information Here.

Macedonia Needs Macedonians

Please remember that Macedonia Needs Macedonians. The Facebook page for the Macedonia Needs Macedonians group is Here.

Two major tourism portals are Travel2Macedonia which is Here, and Macedonia - Timeless which is Here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is Here.

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