
Update From Pollitecon Publications


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Below are some of the numerous additions to the Pollitecon website over the past few months.

Children of the Bird Goddess Reprinted
Pollitecon's book Children of the Bird Goddess, which sold out recently, has now been reprinted. First published in 1997, the book has won many readers and admirers for its honest and heart-felt story of family life in Aegean Macedonia and setting up a new life in Australia. The author, Kita Sapurma, gives a woman's perspective on events that span over 100 years and the lives of four generations of Macedonian women. Co-written with her daughter, Pandora Petrovska, the book was one of the first autobiographies in English of a woman from Aegean Macedonia. Kita Sapurma recently passed away but has left a powerful and valuable gift for all Macedonians. There is more information about the book Here.

Developing Village Tourism, Radio Interview with Jim Bivoltsis
Jim is a Perth businessman who was born in Neret. In this interview he talks about his plan to help develop the tourism potential of the village. He has established an Airbnb home in Neret and among other plans he has organized a tour group to visit the village and its region in 2020. This will give the visitors a rare opportunity to experience a beautiful and less well trodden part of the world and help bring work and economic development for the local village people. The interview is Here. The website for the property is Here.

Radio Interview
Pollitecon Publisher Victor Bivell recently did a radio interview with Kocho Filin of the Macedonian Lerin Show in Melbourne. The discussion covered Pollitecon's books, the organization of the Macedonian community in Australia, the political situation of the Macedonians in northern Greece, and the Prespa Agreement. The interview is Here.

Have You Seen The Last Macedonian?
The latest play by Dushan Ristevski, Posledniot Makedonets/ The Last Macedonian, was recently launched in Sydney. Pollitecon publisher Victor Bivell gave a speech to help launch the play. Thank you to Vince Panov for the video. The play and the speech cover the recent developments in Macedonia from the Colour Revolution to the Prespa agreement, many social issues and much more. The video of the speech is Here. You can read the speech Here.

Free Ebooks
There are nine new books in Pollitecon's Free Ebooks Library.

Banitsa in the Maelstrom of the Wars
Banitsa in the Maelstrom of the Wars 1903-1949 is now available. The book is the English translation of Banitsa Lerinsko Vo Viorot Na Vojnite by Atanas Katinovski. The translation is by Constantine Mallin, Biljana Kuzmanovska and Valerie Sylvester. Banitsa was one of the biggest villages in the Lerinsko region and before the Second World War had over 4,500 residents. For a time is was a political, cultural, trade and economic centre.

The author looks at the history of the village under the Turks, the Ilinden period and VMRO activity, the Balkan and First World Wars, between the World Wars, the Greek-Italian War, the Second World War and the Greek Civil War. It names many Banitsa residents, including many who were killed and many others who fled to neighbouring and eastern European countries. There are many photographs of Banitsa's residents, partisans, refugees and migrants. The book is currently only available in hard copy and can be purchased from Constantine Mallin by emailing him Here.

For each copy sold, one Euro will be donated to the charity, "Dajiti Ni Krilja"/ Give Us Wings to support children in Macedonia who have rare diseases. The charity is run by Rebeka Risteski, the grand-daughter of the author. The website of the charity is Here.

Undestroyable Roots
Prespa in the past and present is the theme of the book Neunishtlivi Koreni (Undestroyable Roots - Prespa Then and Now) by Mitre Kajchevski-Micho. The book takes a detailed look at the 33 villages in the lower Prespa region including the 16 villages that fell under Greek control in 1912-13. The villages include Nivitsi, German, Robi, Orovo, Orovnik, Ail, Bukovnik, Lok, Popli, Rudari, Opaa, Strkovo, Medovo, Vineni, Drobitishta and Grazhdeno that are in Greece. It looks at eight villages in Macedonia and nine in Albania. The book discusses the political, economic, cultural and linguistic histories of the region and villages. The book is Here.

Cultural Genocide in Greece
Author Stojan Kochov says now that Greece has recognized Macedonia under its new name it must also recognize the cultural genocide of the ethnic Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia. In a short article on Cultural Genocide in Greece, Mr Kochov says that Greece's non-recognition and denationalization of the ethnic Macedonians in Greece meets the criteria for cultural genocide as outlined by Polish-Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin, who in 1944 was the first to name and define genocide and cultural genocide. He gives numerous examples. The article, in Macedonian, is Here.

10 + 1 Questions and Answers on the Macedonian Question
The book 10 + 1 Questions and Answers on the Macedonian Question discusses 10 common Greek nationalist positions on Macedonia and the Macedonian identity. The Greek authors, Dimitris Christopoulos and Kostis Karpozilos, say that "Dealing with the Macedonian identity as "nonexistent" has entrapped Greek politics in an ineffective and unjust stance regarding Macedonia's name. These positions "have been stereotypically repeated for years – definitely since the early 1990s", but they are myths and the book aims to show that they do not stand to reason. "Unfortunately, Greek society has not taken daring steps of self-criticism and chooses to cover up various traumatic incidents of its past, especially those that it calls "national issues... For years, the Macedonian question was the great collective censor and self-censor of Greek public life: Repressed truths and the feeling of a secret locked away determined the way in which Greek society dealt with what stood right before it, but which it refused to see." The authors say "The wound is gaping. It is festering and must be dealt with quickly. The longer we leave it, the deeper it will go, poisoning coming generations." Dimitris Christopoulos is a Professor of Comparative Politics at the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University in Athens. Kostis Karpozilos is a historian, director of the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI), and teaches at College Year in Athens (CYA) and the Hellenic Open University. The book is in Macedonian and is Here.

Macedonians and the NOT so Civil War in Greece
The latest book by Canadian Macedonian author Risto Stefov is Macedonians and the NOT so Civil War in Greece - The terrible decade 1939-1949. The book is about "how the Macedonian people in Greek occupied Macedonia were treated by the Greek authorities and by the Great Powers, particularly by England, Russia and the United States". It looks at the events of that "terrible decade and the deception perpetrated by the Greek elite and by their patrons the English and Americans as well as the Russians who used every means possible to fool the Macedonian people to fight and die for their interests." The book discusses Greek laws against the Macedonian people, various key agreements such as The Plaka Protocol, The Lebanon Agreement, The Caserta Agreement, The Varkiza Agreement, The Atlantic Charter, and some key personalities such as Siantos and Zahariadis. The book is Here.

Testimonies for the Macedonian Identity (18th - 20th Centuries)
Macedonia's Institute of National History's book Svedoshtva za Makedonskiot Identitet (XVIII - XX Vek) or Testimonies for the Macedonian Identity (18th - 20th Centuries) has a substantial 385 pages of evidence, reports, statements and quotes about the Macedonian identity. It starts with a 1751 decree from Russian Empress Elisabeth Petrovna, the daughter of Peter the Great, who clearly identifies the Macedonians as a separate people from other Balkan peoples. It moves forward in time with several hundred other statements that clearly identify the Macedonians. Many of these are by famous and well-known people. The authors say these are "only a part of the numerous documents contained in the archives and institutions throughout the world, and in which the Macedonian identity is unambiguously expressed or defined." The book is Here.

Three Books By Pavle Rakovski
Three books by Pavle Rakovski are now available in English. Among many other aspects of the Greek Civil War, the books give an inside look at how the Greek leader Zahariadis infiltrated the leadership of the Macedonian NOF (National Liberation Front). Rakovski says "All Macedonians were removed and neutralized and then replaced with "Grkomani". After that the NOF leadership was fully taken over by Macedonians who were strictly loyal to the Greek cause. In the meantime Zahariadis made sure all important people in the Macedonian movement were liquidated. He especially targeted everything that was Macedonian, especially the Macedonian patriots who were active bearers of the Macedonian national idea.
"This included:
- The Macedonian elite battalions which Zahariadis withdrew from Macedonia and sent south into Greece where the Macedonian commanders were replaced by Greeks who then skilfully "pitted" the Macedonian fighters in battle against superior enemy units.
- The countless prominent activists and loyal Macedonians who Zahariadis picked off one by one and liquidated in various ways."
The books were translated by Risto Stefov. Volume 1 - In the Deep Night, Dawn is Born is Here.
Volume 2 - Untruths and Truths is Here.
Autobiography - Or My Suffering is Here.

A Glorious Place Called Greece
A new book by author, translator and publisher Risto Stefov is A Glorious Place Called Greece. This is a collection of 10 essays by Mr Stefov and two other writers - Sotir Grozdanovski and J.S.G. Gandeto. The essays are:
The Documentary that Shocked Greece
Dokumetarets Koj Ja Shokira Grtsija
Discussion with Ilias Petropoulos regarding Macedonian and Greek Issues
Macedonian was never a part of the Hellenic city-states
The Greek President is Albanian!
About the Greek Language
Modern Greece according to David Holden
G. A. Henty on 19th century Greece and the Modern Greeks
After two centuries of living a myth Greece now faces reality
How Macedonia became Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian
How Macedonians were made into Greeks, Serbians and Bulgarians?
The book is Here.

I Have Returned to Die in My Own Homeland
I Have Returned to Die in My Own Homeland/ Ce Vrativ Da Umram Na Svojata Zemja is a short story by Stojan Kochov. Labro Linin returns to his village after years of living in America. Now old, he wants to die in his beloved village next to his beautiful wife, Lina, who died fighting in the Civil War. But first he builds a lighthouse in the mountainous village, and is visited by the local Greek police chief, a Mr Mitsotakis, who has some questions. The story is translated and edited by Risto Stefov, and is in both English and Macedonian. The story is Here.

Stay Airbnb Home in Neret/ Polipotamos

Visiting Neret/ Polipotamos and the Lerinkso region is now easier as there is an Airbnb house in Neret available to rent. The property was developed by Perth businessman Jim Bivoltsis, who was born in the village. The original stone house has been fully renovated with modern bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. It is one of the first houses as you enter the village and is only a minute or two's walk to the centre of the village, the main church and the two tavernas. It is on the side of the hill with the river below and great forest views across to the other side of the valley. There is wi-fi and offstreet parking for two cars. There is more information Here.

Macedonia Needs Macedonians

Please remember that Macedonia Needs Macedonians. The Facebook page for the Macedonia Needs Macedonians group is Here.

Two major tourism portals are Travel2Macedonia which is Here, and Macedonia - Timeless which is Here.

Canadian Macedonian Books
A reminder that Canadian Macedonian Books has a great selection of Macedonian books in English from around the world. These include non-fiction, fiction, children's and cook books. Canadian Macedonian Books is run by Virginia Evans, a former co-president of the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society and founder of the Macedonian Film Festival in Toronto. Canadian Macedonian Books is Here.

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Victor Bivell
Pollitecon Publications
PO Box 3411
Wareemba NSW 2046 Australia
Ph 02 9705 0578
Email vbivell @ pollitecon.com
Web http://www.pollitecon.com

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