The Macedonian Cultural Genocide - UMD Virtual Hour With Victor Bivell

The Video - The Macedonian Cultural Genocide - UMD Virtual Hour With Victor Bivell

My publishing interests have mostly focused on modern Macedonian history so I was very pleased to participate in this UMD discussion about the Macedonian Cultural Genocide. I thought the questions were very good and interesting. Below is a timeline of the many topics discussed.

– Introduction

– The importance of the period from 1900 to 1950 (starts at 3 minutes 34 seconds)

– Why Macedonian culture was important and a threat to Greek, Bulgarian and Serbian ambitions in Ottoman Macedonia (6 minutes 12 seconds)

– A brief timeline of the Macedonian cultural genocide (9 minutes 34 seconds)

– The key geopolitical events contributng to why Macedonia was targeted and divided (17 minutes 16 seconds)

– The gaps in the information with a Macedonian perspective; it was a different sort of genocide in Macedonia, the need for a Centre for the Macedonian Genocide (21 minutes 40 seconds)

– The evidence of intent to commit acts of genocide in Macedonia; the perpetrators, the legal court, and the court of public opinion (27 minutes 46 seconds)

– A feminist view of the Macedonian genocide and how women have been targeted (35 minutes 50 seconds)

– How Christian Turkish colonists in Aegean Macedonia were privileged over the indigenous Macedonians; the treatment of Macedonian children including Queen Frederika’s Children and the Child Refugees (40 minutes 32 seconds)

– The need for more discussion of the suppression under Serbian rule (45 minutes)

– The role of the Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian Churches in the Macedonian genocide (46 minutes 49 seconds)

– UMD Generation M Report on Eliminating Intolerance and Discrimination of the Orthodox Christian Minority in Greece and Bulgaria (49 minutes 19 seconds)

– The Macedonian cultural genocide today; strategies to counter political and cultural bullying and secure Macedonia as a homeland for the Macedonian people (50 minutes 59 seconds)
Questions and Answers

– The Prespa Agreement and its treatment of the Macedonian identity and language; fairer and better solutions to the issues around Aegean/ Greek Macedonia (55 minutes 44 seconds)

– Treaties and the lack of human rights in Greece; the need for a change of attitudes among the Greek people; the negative and potentially positive role of the Greek media (1 hour 26 seconds)

– Why is cultural destruction still occuring today and even with international support; the normalization of hate speech against Macedonians (1 hour 2 minutes 32 seconds)

– Evidence of Macedonian identity in and prior to the 1800s; the evidence from Macedonian gravestones; the Balkan doughnut of national identities; the destruction of Macedonian tombstones (1 hour 5 minutes 22 seconds)

– International pressure on Macedonian politicians; was NATO membership worth the high national price; the Franco-Bulgarian blackmail on EU membership (1 hour 10 minutes 1 second)

– Different approaches to the Grkomani; are the Macedonian people currently dispirited; strategies for the diaspora (1 hour 12 minutes 21 seconds)

– Preserving the Macedonian language and culture in Greece and in the diaspora (1 hour 15 minutes 32 seconds)

– How to help Macedonians in Greece and elsewhere to reconnect with their Macedonian roots (1 hour 18 minutes 11 seconds)

– The role of a Centre for the Macedonian Genocide, and for Macedonian Museums in the diaspora (1 hour 21 minutes 10 seconds).

October 2020
